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Proceedings European Integration and the Asia-Pacific Region 경제협력, 무역정책

저자 김흥종 발간번호 03-03 자료언어 English 발간일 2003.12.27

원문보기(다운로드:1,038) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

아시아태평양 지역의 경제적 부상과 함께 이 지역과 세계 여러 지역과의 정치 및 경제적 협력 관계와 관련하여 관심이 고조되고 있다. 본 연구는 중동구 및 남유럽으로의 5차 확대와 EU헌법의 제정 등으로 새로운 국면을 맞고 있는 유럽연합과 아시아태평양 지역간의 관계를 다각도로 분석하고 있다. (생략)
This book composed of eight papers dealing with the recent stage of the European Integration and its implications on the Asia-Pacific region. Firstly, Professor Delmatino's paper deal with the European Convention and the future of the European Integration. Debating the future of European integration a few weeks before the Convention is expected to submit its final conclusions to the European Council, is a bit frustrating. In some fields significant progress has been made and the broad consensus reached on these issues is not limited to the 105 participants of this unique assembly, but shared by many in the European arena. On some crucial questions, however, the outcome is more questionable. Even if the Convention should find a compromise by mid-June, there is no guarantee that the 'Masters of the Treaties', the member states, will simply endorse it. In other words, the Convention undoubtedly marks a breakthrough, in terms of method and content, in the debate on the future of Europe, but is for sure not its ultimate conclusion. Therefore, a discussion of what yet has been achieved and what is still undecided, sheds some light on the characteristics of the process of consensus building in the EU and on the main issues at stake. (The rest is omitted.)

Introduction and Overview Heungchong Kim

I. The European Convention and the Future of European Integration
Frank Delmartino

II. Enlargement and the EU's External Relations
Michael Dauderstädt

III. A “Work-in-Progress”: Negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements
- The EU and the ACP Pacific States
Martin Holland

IV. The EU 'New Strategy' towards the Asia-Pacific Region
Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan

V. Economic Relations between the EU and the Asia-Pacific Region
Bak-Soo Kim

VI. The EU as a Model of Regional Integration: Challenges and Agendas
Philomena Murray

VII. Financial Integration in East Asia: A Comparison with Europe
Hee-Yul Chai and Yeongseop Rhee

VIII. European Integration and Korea: Toward a New Direction For Industrial
Cooperation Between
Korea and the EU
Yong-Dai Shin

IX. South Asia and European Integration
Rajendra K Jain


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 118
판매가격 7000 원

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