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연구보고서 Korea’s Recent Foreign Exchange Rate System 환율

저자 김진천 발간번호 92-30 자료언어 English 발간일 1992.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:680) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

이 보고서의 기본목표는 1990년 3월 한국에서 채택된 MAR 시스템의 기능을 평가하는 것이다. MAR 시스템의 배경과 원리를 밝히기 위해 한국 외환정책의 역사를 검토하였다. MAR 시스템의 기능만을 연구하는 대신, 전체적인 외환제도 역사를 제고하는 일환으로, 1980년 3월부터 1990년 2월까지 채택되었던 MCBP 시스템을 평가하였다. MCBP 시스템을 시스템은 처음으로 한국이 시장지향 외환정책의 방향을 잡는 데 사용되었으므로 MAR 시스템을 이해하는 데에 중요한 역할을 할 것이다.
The initial goal of the paper was to evaluate the working of the MAR system which was adopted in Korea in March 1990. However, since the system is only two years and several months old, no credible macroeconomic empirical test could be accomplished due to the lack of data. It was also necessary to review the history of Korea's foreign exchange rate system in order to shed light on the background and rationale of the MAR system. Therefore, instead of only investigating the functioning of the MAR system, this paper reviewed the whole history of the foreign exchange rate system and evaluated the MCBP system which was adopted for the period of March 1980 through February 1990. This system is important in understanding the MAR system since it was the first effort made in Korea in the direction of a market-oriented foreign exchange rate system. This paper also reviewed Taiwan's central exchange rate system since it was the system that Korea followed in the name of the MAR system.
I. Introduction

II. Goals and Tsrgets of the Foreign Exchange Rate Policy

III. Review of the Foreign Exchange Rate System in Korea

IV. The Multiple Currency Basket Peg System
IV-1. How It Worked
IV-2. Evaluation of the System
IV-3. Problems of the System

V. The Market Average Rate System
V-1. Introduction
V-2. Evaluation of the System
V-3. Problems with the Current System
V-4. Policy Reconmmendations

VI. The Central Exchange Rate System of Taiwan
VI-1. Introduction
VI-2. Problems of the System
VI-3. Comparison with Korean Experience

VII. Transition to the Freely Floating Exchange Rate System
VII-1. Experience of the Industrialized Countries
VII-2. Requirements for Successful Operation of the System

VIII. Summary and Conclusions


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 69
판매가격 5000 원

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