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Proceedings Strengthening Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia 경제통합, 경제협력

저자 김윤형, 이창재 편 발간번호 04-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2004.09.30

원문보기(다운로드:2,801) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

냉전의 종식과 함께 동북아 경제협력의 새로운 시대가 도래하였으며, 이는 1990년대에 동북아 지역내 교역과 투자의 괄목할만한 증가로 나타났다. (생략)
The end of the Cold War signaled a new era in Northeast Asian economic cooperation, leading trade and investment to increase substantially in the 1990s. However, given the characteristics of Northeast Asia, such as different political and economic systems, disparate levels of economic development and historical remnants, until recently, regional economic integration was essentially driven by market forces without any organized efforts from the central governments to enhance regional economic cooperation. Therefore, Northeast Asia still lags behind the other major regions in terms of regional economic cooperation and there is still no regional economic cooperation body let alone a regional trade agreement among the Northeast Asian economies. (The rest is omitted.)
Part I Rationale for Enhancing Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Some
Possible Options
1. Rationale for Institutionalizing Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation
and Some Possible Options-3
2. Reflections on Economic Integration in Northeast Asia - 33
3. Rationale for Enhancing Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Some
Possible Options:
A European Perspective - 65

Part II Toward Formal Economic Integration in Northeast Asia: Beginning with a
Bilateral FTA
4. Toward Formal Economic Integration in Northeast Asia: Beginning with a
Bilateral FTA - 115
5. A Bilateral or Trilateral FTA? - 137
6. Emerging Bilateral Free Trade Agreements in Northeast Asia: Building
Blocs and Stumbling
Blocs - 163

Part III Investment Cooperation in Northeast Asia
7. Toward Northeast Asian Production Networks - 195
8. Need for Developing Financing and Policy Initiatives in Northeast Asia
- 229
9. Need for Developing Financing and Policy Initiatives in North Korea -

Part IV Financial Cooperation in Northeast Asia
10. Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia: The Chiang Mai
Initiative and Beyond - 295
11. Toward an Asian Currency Union - 311

Part V Major Findings and Policy Implications
Comments - 379


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