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Working paper 외환위기 이후 한국해외현지법인의 구조조정실태와 애로사항: 미국 기업경영

저자 박영호 발간번호 98-09 자료언어 Korean 발간일 1998.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,301) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

그동안 국내기업들은 세계화, 글로벌경영이라는 명분하에 해외투자진출에 앞을 다투어 나갔다. 그러나 지난해 말 예기치 못한 外換危機 발생으로 자금조달상의 어려움이 加重되고 기업경영난이 심화됨에 따라 종전과는 전혀 다른 상황을 맞이하고 있다.

1998년 들어 우리나라의 해외직접투자가 큰 폭으로 감소하고 있으며, 향후에도 투자여력 및 투자심리 위축, 기업 구조조정으로 인한 해외사업부문 감축 등의 복합적 요인을 감안할 때 감소세는 당분간 지속될 것으로 보인다. 외환위기 이후 엄청난 경영여건의 변화로 기업들은 국내 설비투자는 물론 해외투자 규모를 대폭 축소시키고 있으며, 외환위기 이전에 수립했던 해외투자 계획을 보류 또는 취소하는 등 기존의 방만한 해외투자를 지양하고 효율화를 도모하기 위한 노력을 전개해 나가고 있다. 대대적인 구조조정이 불가피한 많은 국내기업들이 해외투자기업들에 대해 사업축소 및 인원감축 등은 물론이고 재무구조 개선을 위해 생산성이나 수익성이 낮다고 판단되는 해외사업에 대해서는 자금확보 차원에서 매각 등을 통해 해외거점을 철수하는 등 해외직접투자 사업부문의 구조조정이 강력하고도 빠른 속도로 추진되고 있다. 이는 특히 많은 해외투자기업들의 수익성이 당초 기대와는 달리 크게 저조함으로써 국내 모기업의 부실화를 부축이고 있으며, 더욱이 외환위기 이후 자금조달이 어렵고 고금리 차입으로는 사업의 수지타산을 맞추기 어렵기 때문이다.

삼성, 현대, LG 등 우리나라 간판기업들은 지난 90년대 중반부터 반도체 특수로 벌어들인 막강한 자본력을 바탕으로 미국 굴지의 전자·정보통신 기업들을 잇따라 인수하였으나, 국내 경제여건 악화 및 현지법인의 지속적인 경영악화로 획기적인 구조조정을 통한 회생의 길을 찾고 있다. LG전자의 Zenith사는 이미 본사 건물 매각 및 대대적인 인원 감축을 단행하였으며, 앞으로는 모든 생산시설을 매각, 정리하고 디지털TV와 관련한 기술 및 영업마케팅 전문회사로 변신한다는 방침하에 현재 미국법원에 기업회생계획 신청을 추진하고 있다. 또한 삼성전자가 지난 95년 화제속에 인수했던 AST사 역시 심각한 경영부실로 더 이상 지탱할 수 없게 됨에 따라 인원감축은 물론 AST 본사 건물 매각, 해외생산공장 및 판매망 철수 등의 방식으로 이미 대대적인 사업구조조정을 단행하였다.

결국 AST사는 지난 95년 인수 당시 6,000여명에 달했던 인원수가 98년 현재에는 600명 수준으로 대폭 줄어들었고, 지금은 기업용 PC생산에만 주력하고 있는 중소규모의 기업으로 전락하였다. 아울러 수익성이 낮은 해외사업은 물론 흑자사업도 외자도입 차원에서 과감히 매각하는 사례가 속출하고 있는데, 최근 이루어진 현대전자의 심비오스, 오디움, TV/COM사 매각과 삼성전자의 SMS사 및 IGT사 매각 등은 바로 이같은 구조조정을 알리는 신호탄으로 풀이되고 있으며, 앞으로 이같은 강력한 구조조정은 더욱 가속화될 것으로 전망된다. 그동안 양적, 외형적 성장위주 경영에서 이제는 質的 효율성을 추구해야 할 시대적 과제를 안게 된 것이다.
Currency Crisis and Difficulties for Oversea Affiliate: A Case Study on the Restructuring of Korean Affiliates in the U.S. Since 1990, Korean firms have actively engaged in FDI as part of their growing targeting of overseas markets. However, this expansion overseas has reversed course dramatically in the wake of the Asian crisis. During the initial eight months of 1998, FDI from Korean firms sharply decreased and this trend is expected to continue for at least the short-term. Not only have plans to purchase assets and companies in the U.S. been largely scraped, but the difficulties of domestic parent companies have affected affiliates already operating in the U.S. As domestic parent companies face the need to reduce debt to equity ratios, this has weakened their ability to act as guarantor of credit applications by overseas affiliates.

This inability to guarantee affiliate loans is significant as many Korean overseas affiliates continue to post losses. While parent companies were able to compensate for the deficits of overseas affiliates in the past, the drastic plunge in financial health of Korean parent firms in the last year has largely ended such ability. In response, practically every overseas Korean affiliate has been undergoing restructuring in an effort to make efficient those operations that hold out the potential for profit and dispose of the rest.

Korean affiliates have already reduced their size of operations, shed expansion plans, sold assets and some have even been forced to withdraw foreign operations.

Factors determining corporate restructuring patterns and process can be categorized into such as orporate level, industry level. Factors in the corporate level can make a profound influence on the restructuring process. For example, if a parent company goes bankrupty, then in most case, foreign affiliates no longer continue their operation. In this case, they can not but to sell their assets and withdraw from that country.

And factors in the industry level also affect the restructuring process. For example companies in semi-conductor sector where exists oversupply and market prospect is dismal cannot easily circumvent the crisis. So they now put off their whole investment project indefinitely.

Many of the best examples of suffering Korean affiliates operating in the U.S. come from the semiconductor and consumer electronics sectors. The Samsung, Hyundai, LG chaebols all took over U.S. semi-conductor or telecom companies, paying high prices to do so, and have since suffered continued significant losses. Not long after purchasing a 55% stake in perennial U.S. money loser Zenith Electronics, LG Electronics has been forced to send Zenith to Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. LG's plan, should it be accepted by the court, will give LG 100% ownership of Zenith; however, the operations of the latter will be scaled back to a fraction of what they once were. Zenith has seen only one profitable year in more than a decade after getting clobbered in a grueling industry price war. The losses have forced Zenith to sell many of its peripheral businesses and go through downsizings. Attempting to compensate, Zenith invested in new technology, such as Internet television boxes, cable modems, and high-definition TV systems, and it upgraded color picture tube production capabilities.

Other examples of struggling Korean affiliates in the U.S. include Samsung's PC maker AST Research, which has already sold most overseas assets, including buildings, real estate and other assets, and has reduced the number of employees from 6,000 in 1995 to 600 as of November, 1998.

The primary cause of the difficulties was the inefficient operations themselves. AST was at one time among the fastest-growing high-technology firms in the world. The company stumbled its way to the computer market's version of skid row thanks to slow product introductions, and the dominance of cutthroat competitors. AST, which in the past has been split between consumer and corporate customers, intends to cater more to small-and medium-sized companies.
Not only is downscaling prevalent, many affiliates are being sold outright. These include the sale of Hyundai's Symbios, Odeum, TV/COM and Samsung's SMS and IGT. The Ssangyong Group disposed some of its overseas assets including two hotels for $150.5 million under the group's restructuring drive. Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co. sold its two Marriott Residence Inn hotels for $30.5 million to Sunstone Hotel Investor, a U.S. investment trust company. Meanwhile, Ssangyong Cement Industrial Co. sold its cement factory in California, Riverside Cement Co., for $120 million to Texas Industries Inc. At that time, Under the assumption that the won/dollar exchange rate stands at 1,800 to the greenback, Ssangyong was expected to secure some 270 billion won in business funds through the disposal of its overseas assets.

Shinhan Bank realized a profit of $20 million by selling its US subsidiary, Marine National Bank(MNB), to the First Security Bank. Since its takeover of MNB in September 1996, Shinhan increased MNB's equity capital from $8 million to $30 million, while expanding its total assets from $100 million to $240 million. "This increase in value was the key for the successful sale of MNB," said an official of the bank. Hanil Bank had sold its affiliate in Los Angeles, the First Statebank of Southern California, to the Popular Bank of the United States for US$34 million and saw profit of US$19 million from the sale. The California bank, acquired by Hanil in 1982, has assets worth US$170 million and posted a net profit of US$1.3 million in the 1997 fiscal year.

While the Asian financial crisis brought to light the difficulties of the operations of Korean affiliates in the U.S., it was a secondary cause in many case including AST, Zenith. The primary cause of the difficulties was the inefficient operations themselves. Thus, There is an urgent need for corporate restructuring toward quality to prevent the health of Korean assets in the U.S. from deteriorating even further.
Ⅰ. 外換危機 이후 우리나라의 對美 직접투자 변화
1. 國內 대기업의 미국진출 사례 및 동기
2. 外換危機 이후 對美 직접투자 추이 변화

Ⅱ. 美國 현지법인의 구조조정 요인 및 특징
1. 구조조정 요인 및 특징
2. 구조조정 유형

Ⅲ. 美國 현지법인의 構造調整 실태 및 애로요인 事例
1. 電子業種
2. 建設業
3. 銀行
4. 食料品
5. 纖維業

Ⅳ. 結論 및 示唆點
1. 對美 직접투자의 문제점
2. 시사점



분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 82
판매가격 5000 원

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