대외경제정책연구원은 1989년 정부출연 연구기관으로 발족한 이래 우리나라의 세계지역연구를 선도해 왔으며 세계 유수기관과의 협력을 강화하고 있습니다. 연구협력팀은 국내외의 연구자간 교류를 활성화하고 지역연구역량을 강화하고자 2009년도부터 「방문학자 프로그램」을 운영하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 세계 각국의 유수한 학자와 지역연구 전문가를 초청하여 세계 지역에 대한 연구 성과와 정보를 공유함으로써 긴밀한 네트워크를 구축하고 협력 증진을 도모하고자 하는 프로그램입니다. 2017 KIEP Visiting Fellowship Program은 그의 일환으로 출간되는 성과물로, 이를 통하여 다양한 학자들의 연구 역량과 견해를 통찰하고자 합니다.
The disturbance of Arabic countries especially in the MENA region called the “Arab Spring” has had a direct impact on the tourism industry of the Arab region. Volatile events, instabilities, political turmoil and extremism present the tourism industry with significant challenges. But in any event, future developments will depend in any case on the security situation in the country, as tourism is certainly a sector with many advantages in terms of foreign investment and foreign exchange. At the same time, it is a very sensitive sector. The slightest social upheaval, the smallest popular movement, these all have incalculable effects on the sector.
Tunisia is an excellent example of what can happen to the tourism industry in such cases. This paper explores first the effects that the Arab Spring has had on tourism industry performance. We aim to identify the influence that events of the Arab Spring had on tourism in Middle Eastern and North African States, namely by examining the cases of other countries such as Egypt and Tunisia in comparison with Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.
Finally, the study examines the policies and strategies adopted by Tunisian governments in order to mitigate the crisis in the evolving tourism sector, and to develop recommendations on how the tourism industry can recover from the Jasmine Revolution.
Notes on the Contributor
The Tourism Industry in Arab Spring: Effects and Perspectives
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Tunisia and the Impact of the Jasmine Revolution
Ⅲ. Recommendations
Ⅳ. Conclusion
분량/크기 | 37 |
판매가격 | 원 |
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