This paper focuses on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system of Green Climate Fund (GCF) among the four issues related to the design of the GCF illustrated above. M&E are essential management tools to organizations to provide greater accountability, a clear basis for decision‐making and lessons learned to guide future interventions. These issues are equally important for the operation and management of GCF. Korea has been participating as one of the 25 committee members of a developing country group and it was uniquely positioned to ‘bridge’ developed and developing countries as a non‐beneficiary of the fund. In this regards, this paper is to review the relevant issues and flows of discussions in GCF design and thus to provide useful policy insights for Korea to take a leading part in the future discussion.
This paper first introduces the historical background and progress of discussion of GCF and the Transitional Committee. It is followed by the core M&E components of GCF including establishment of M&E function, fiduciary standards, environmental and social safeguards, and participation of stakeholders. Then it consults other funds and organizations to find good experience and good systems of M&E. Overview of evaluation mechanisms in selected funds was conducted: the Global Environment Facility, the Global Fund and the Multilateral Fund for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol were recommended as best practices by the Transitional Committee. Among other aid agencies, the M&E policies and architectures of the World Bank and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) were reviewed. Review of these institutions referred to M&E organizations, procedural matters, M&E guidelines, presentation of the evaluation reports and feedback mechanism as well as staffing and resources. As a result, comparison of the M&E procedures of these organizations…the similarities and differences were highlighted. This paper concludes by providing future prospects how the M&E system of GCF will look like.
제1장 서 론
제2장 녹색기후기금 논의 동향
1. 녹색기후기금 설립 배경
가. 유엔 협상 동향
나. 녹색기후기금 설립에 관한 사항
2. 녹색기후기금 설계 과정
가. 설계 위원회 구성 및 일정
나. 설계 위원회의 주요 의제
제3장 녹색기후기금 모니터링 및 평가 체제
1. 평가조직
가. 주요 쟁점
나. 국별 입장
2. 재정책임성을 위한 수탁기준(fiduciary standards)
가. 주요 쟁점
나. 국별 입장
3. 환경·사회 세이프가드
가. 주요 쟁점
나. 국별 입장
4. 이해관계자 참여
가. 주요 쟁점
나. 국별 입장
제4장 주요 다자기금 및 개발원조기구의 모니터링 및 평가 체제
1. 다자기금
가. GEF
나. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
다. 몬트리올 의정서 이행을 위한 Multilateral Fund
2. 개발원조기구
가. World Bank
나. 일본 JICA
제5장 결 론
분량/크기 | 118 |
판매가격 | 7000 원 |
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