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Policy Analysis Korea-Japan FTA: Toward a Model Case for East Asian Economic Integration 경제통합, 경제협력

저자 안충영, 정인교, Yukiko FUKAGAWA, and Takatoshi ITO eds. 발간번호 05-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2005.02.20

원문보기(다운로드:911) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

한·일 FTA에 대한 논의는 1998년 말 시작되었고, 1999~2003년 연구기관간 공동연구, 민간비즈니스포럼, 산관학 공동연구 등을 단계별로 거쳤다. 2003년 10월 한·일 양국의 정상들은 양국간 FTA의 공식협상 개시를 선언하였고, 2003년 12월부터 공식협상이 전개되고 있다. 그러나 6차까지 진행된 협상에서는 통상규범에 대한 논의가 주로 이루어졌으며, 협상의 핵심으로 볼 수 있는 시장접근에 대해서는 진전을 보지 못하고 있다. (생략)
The year 2005, the target year for Japan and Korea to conclude their FTA, will be the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties after their painful history. During the last four decades, Japan-Korea relations have matured gradually, promoted in part by miraculous development and catch-up by the Korean economy. In 1996, Korea became an OECD member, the second country in Asia following Japan. As an OECD member, Korea is expected to share common global responsibilities to promote economic growth and liberalization. Although the Korean economy was hit by the Asian financial crisis in 1997, Korea surprised the world by instigating a comprehensive structural reform and subsequent speedy economic recovery led by a strong political will and swift business initiatives. Korea has accomplished the IMF conditionality, while receiving the IMF financial assistance package. (The rest is omitted.)
Editors' Biographical Notes

I. Political Economy of Korea-Japan Free Trade Arrangement: A Korean
Perspective / Taeho Bark and Chong Sup Kim
II. Political Economy of Japan-Korea FTA from Japanese perspective: Strategic
approach, gains, and implications for the East Asian integration / Takatoshi
Ito and Yukiko Fukagawa
III. Modality of Korea-Japan FTA: From the Perspective of Korea / Dukgeun Ahn
IV. What Kind of Free Trade Arrangement? Modality and Contents: Japanese
Perspective / Eiji Ogawa
V. Economic Assessment of Korea-Japan FTA / Inkyo Cheong
VI. The Impacts of Japan-Korea FTA and CU on Economy, Industry and Trade in
Japan and Korea / Shujiro URATA and Kazutomo ABE
VII. Liberalization of the Agriculture and Fishery Sectors / Yoocheul Song
VIII. Agricultural Issues on Japan-Korea FTA / Masayoshi Honma
IX. Liberalization of Trade in Services: A Korean Perspective / June-Dong Kim
X. Economic Analysis on Japan-Korea FTA: Service Trade / Fukunari Kimura
XI. How to Measure Non-tariff Barriers? A Critical Examination of the
Price-Differential Approach / Kyoji Fukao
XII. Non-Tariff Barriers, Real Obstacles or False Perceptions?: Korean
Perspective / Yang-Hee Kim
XIII. Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Free Trade Agreement between Japan and
Korea / Kwanho Shin and Yunjong Wang
XIV. How Wide is the Border Between Japan and Korea? / Takatoshi ITO and
Noriyuki KAJII



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