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Proceedings The Seoul 2000 Summit: The Way Ahead for the Asia-Europe Partnership 경제협력

저자 이종화 발간번호 00-03 자료언어 English 발간일 2000.10.05

원문보기(다운로드:1,243) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

아시아와 유럽간의 대화채널인 ASEM은 국제무대에서 동아시아의 영향력이 점차 증대되는 기반을 조성하고 있으며 동아시아-유럽간 동반자관계의 강화는 국제사회에서 동아시아의 전략적 위상을 한층 강화하는데 기여할 것으로 보인다. ASEM은 적어도 당분간은 회원국 확대보다는 기존 회원국간의 협력 심화에 더 치중하는 것이 바람직할 것이지만 장래에 신규 회원국으로 가입하길 원하는 국가들에 대한 문호개방을 염두에 두고 신규 가입에 대한 논의를 검토해야 할 것이다.

포괄적인 의미에서 ASEM의 의제는 공동의 관심사항을 꾸준히 개발하되 특히, ASEM의 비정규성을 최대한 활용하여 아시아와 유럽의 공동 대응이 필요한 뉴라운드, 신국제금융질서, 돈세탁, 마약, 환경 등 당면한 글로벌 차원의 다양한 이슈를 의제에 포함시켜 논의함이 바람직할 것이다. 이 경우 필요에 따라 입법기관, 비정부단체(NGO), 대중매체등의 협력도 요청될 수 있을 것이다.

경제협력분야는 기존 무역 및 투자촉진 프로그램들을 통한 양 대륙간 무역 및 투자활성화를 겨냥하고 있으며 아직 구속적인 규범수준으로는 발전하지 않고 있는바, 기존 프로그램의 성실한 이행과 동료압력 (peer pressure)을 통해 한 차원 높은 관계로 발전시킬 필요가 있을 것이다.
정치분야에서는 민주주의, 인권 등의 몇몇 민감성 이슈가 논의 진전에 지장을 초래하였으나 의제의 범위를 국한시킬 필요는 없을 것이며 제3차 정상회의에서는 상반된 이해관계 및 대립에서 탈피하여 아시아-유럽 양 대륙간 상호 존중의 바탕위에서 정치협력분야의 균형점을 어느 정도 찾을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
1. ASEM has, in regularly bringing together East Asian countries and a consolidated group of European partners, contributed to the emergence of a new voice on the global scene, the voice of East Asia. This has important geo-strategic implications as it will permit Asia's position to be strengthened through a partnership with Europe in accordance with a new model of equal partnership.

2. ASEM was not originally conceived as a bloc-to-bloc dialogue process, but it has taken on, more and more, an inter-regional character.

3. Hence, while ASEM should by nature be open to Asia as a whole, and Europe might in future be enlarged, there might be some value in consolidating ASEM first as a Western Europe-East Asia forum, at least for the time being. Nevertheless, ASEM could consider opening further dialogue avenues with countries which might become partners in the future.

4. ASEM should remain an informal process where no decisions have to be taken, nor treaties negotiated. It can be a useful forum to build consensus between East Asia and Western Europe on political dialogues and global issues such as the New Trade Round, international financial architecture, drug trafficking, money laundering, and the environment.

5. Non-institutionalisation in the form of a loose and informal process does not necessarily mean an absence of organisation. The function of a lean and effective secretariat along the lines suggested in the Asia-Europe Vision Group's report, in addition to existing political co-ordination mechanisms, might not be inconsistent with the principles of adding value and avoiding duplication of initiatives. Initiatives such as the ASEM Trust Fund or ASEM Educational Hubs should be given due recognition, and it can be seen that through this loose and informal process, Track I may give birth to various institutions and build infrastructure to promote exchanges between Europe and Asia.

6. A common agenda is not given, but must be built through a continuous effort. Issues such as the challenges of globalisation, the necessity of state and corporate reform, human rights, good governance, and the role of civil society should be discussed. An annual ASEM Roundtable on Globalisation was proposed as a useful vehicle to promote such discussion.

7. Parliamentarians, the media, and NGOs should be more actively associated with the ASEM process, whether through Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) or other initiatives. The role of the ASEF should generally be fully acknowledged at ASEM III, and its mandate should be renewed, backed by the necessary financial commitment.

8. In the economic sphere, ASEM does not yet have any binding obligations. However, it is evolving through peer pressure and discussions on trade and investment liberalization help to build an Asian-European consensus in support of free trade and open economies, as well as international cooperation and globalisation with a human face.

9. Political issues should not be conceptualised too narrowly. Despite initial difficulties and confrontations, it is hoped that ASEM III will forge a new equilibrium for political dialogue based upon mutual respect.

Executive Summary

Introductory Sessin
Asem: an overview
1. ASEM and the Evolving Global Order
2. ASEM: Tovards an Exciting Inter-Regional Journey

sessionxx I
The Reform Process in Asia and Europe
1. The Reform Process: Asia's Lessons
2. Schedule for Reform in Contemporary States

sessionxx II
ASEM and Trade Issues
1. ASEM and Trade Issues
2. Testing the Subsidiarity Question for ASEM

sessionxx III
ASEM and Political Dialogue
1. ASEM Political Dialogue - Now and in the Future
2. ASEM and Political Dialogue
3. ASEM: Deepening and Broadening the Politicla Dialogue


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판매가격 15000 원

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