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Working paper An Assessment of the APEC’s Progress toward the Bogor Goals: A Political Economy Approach to Tariff Reductions 경제개방, 무역정책

저자 이홍구 발간번호 99-19 자료언어 English 발간일 1999.11.30

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APEC 회원국의 개별실행계획(IAP) 중 관세인하노력에 대해 두 가지 방식으로 평가하여 보았다. 우선 개별실행계획서의 내용을 분석 정리해보면 몇 가지 특성이 나타난다.

첫째, 관세인하 실행계획의 성과는 그다지 크다고 할 수 없으며, 나라마다 개선의 범위와 내용에 있서 큰 편차를 보이고 있다. 둘째, 몇몇 회원국의 경우 UR 이행계획을 IAP에 갈음하는 경우도 나타나고 있다. 소위 WTO Plus 의 실행성과가 미미하였다. 셋째, 역내 소지역통합이 IAP 에 긍적적인 기여를 하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 넷째, EVSL의 잠정적 실패에도 불구하고, 이에 대한 기대와 관심은 사라지지 않았으며, 향후 Bogor 목표달성에 직간접적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대된다. 다섯째, 정보기술협정에 대한 지지와 이와 관련된 자유화조치가 광범위하게 실질적으로 이루어지고 있다. 여섯째, 정책조치의 투명성과 관련 자료의 제공에서는 개선의 여지가 많은 것으로 나타났다.

또한 본고에서는 세계은행의 148개국 횡단면 자료를 가지고 내생적 무역정책이론에 기초한 관세결정모형을 추정하여 모형이 예측하는 결과와 회원국이 실제로 제시한 개별실행계획과 비교하였다. 관세인하가 내생적 정책과정을 통해서 결정된다는 전제하에 제시된 IAP 가 회원국의 진지한 의도와 능력에 부합된 것인지를 점검하여 보았다. 자료의 제약으로 인해서 평균관세율에 대해서만 분석할 수밖에 없었지만, IAP 성과 검증지표로 제시되었던 야마자와(1998)의 평가지표와는 다른 결과를 도출할 수 있었다.

현재의 관세수준과 향후 야마자와에 의하면 현재의 관세수준과 Bogor 목표달성에 대한 의지를 기준으로 할 때는 홍콩, 싱가포르, 뉴질랜드, 호주, 브루네이, 미국, 캐나다, 일본, 한국, 말레이지아, 대만, 인도네시아, 필리핀, 칠레, 태국, 멕시코, 중국, 파푸아 뉴기니의 순으로 실행계획의 성과가 높은 것으로 나타났지만, 경제전체의 능력과 무역자유화에 대한 의지를 실증적으로 반영한 본고의 분석결과에 의하면 파푸아 뉴기니, 싱가포르 등의 성과가 가장 컸으며, 태국, 필리핀, 중국, 한국, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 말레이지아, 인도네시아, 칠레, 일본, 캐나다, 미국, 멕시코 등의 순서로 성과가 컸던 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 역내 선진국이 IAP 실행에 있어서 개도국들보다 소극적인 자세로 임하고 있다는 추정을 가능하게 하고 있다. 또한 이와 같은 결과는 자료가 갖는 한계를 감안한다면 이론적 정합성과 현실성에서 Yamazawa 지표보다 설명력이 더 높다고 할 수 있다
The average tariff rate of APEC member economies has been lowered by almost half from 15.4 percent to 7.6 percent during the period between 1988 and 1998. Many countries such as Australia, China, Indonesia, Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand experienced a dramatic decline in their average tariff levels. Currently, four countries (Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei and New Zealand) have average rates below 5 percent, while eight countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Taipei, Malaysia and the Philippines) have mean rates between 5 and 10 percent. Three countries (Chile, Indonesia and Mexico) are in the range of 10 to 15 percent levels. The remaining three countries (China, Papua New Guinea and Thailand) have their average rates above 15 percent.

Some points can be made with regard to tariff reductions. First, the IAPs of 1998 regarding tariffs have made a limited improvement, which in turn has not been uniform across APEC economies. Second, for some member economies, implementing UR commitments has eclipsed the APEC process of unilateral tariff liberalization and reduction of non-trade barriers. Third, regional integration arrangements such as NAFTA, ANZCERTA, MERCOSUR, CER and AFTA have contributed to tariff reductions in some member economies. Fourth, the Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization (EVSL) initiative, announced in Vancouver in 1997, still constitutes a going concern in the region. Fifth, the member economies have been giving support to the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and the subsequent ITA II. This support will generate significant benefits in terms of production, exports, and lower prices. At the same time, ITA in the Asia Pacifi region will enforce its conclusion in the WTO. Sixth, the provision of data needs to be improved.

Tariff reductions are endogenously determined. Thus it is worthwhile to ascertain whether the extent of tariff reductions provided in IAPs is 'sufficiently bearable or reasonably sincere' in light of member economies' past experience and present 'capability.' For that purpose, we identified the elements that determine the endogenous tariff rates (current rates) as reference rates. Then we compared the IAP commitments and/or the Bogor goals with the reference rates.
The point of our empirical exercise is to devise an indicator that can be used to assess the APEC's progress toward the Bogor goals on an individual country basis. Our approach is unique in that it puts emphasis on individual country's 'ability' to implement the IAPs, and that it focuses on the political process, both internal and external, of each member economy, which eventually leads to the proposed action plan.

However, limited data availability keeps us from fully evaluating the achievements made by APEC members in the area of tariff reductions. Yet we were able to evaluate the relative performance of 18 members. When we compared the fitted values (which are supposed to reflect the ability and sincerity to implement the commitments made in their IAPs) with what these member economies actually implemented, we found that, among these members, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, and Thailand have been carrying out the most drastic cut in tariff rates. They are followed by the Philippines, China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Chile, Japan, Canada, the United States, and Mexico in the order of the size of their relative tariff reductions. This result contrasts with the comparable order in the Yamazawa scheme, in which Hong Kong (gets 95 points out of 100) and Singapore (95 points) lead the pack.
They are followed by New Zealand (90), Australia (85), Brunei (85), the United States (85), Canada (80), Japan (80), Korea (75), Malaysia (70), Taipei (70), Indonesia (55), the Philippines (55), Chile (50), Thailand (45), Mexico (35), China (30), and Papua New Guinea (10).

What we can infer from the present analysis is the following. First, some advanced economies in the region such as the United States, Canada, and Japan are slow or reluctant to implementing their liberalization commitments. Second, other advanced economies such as New Zealand and Australia are doing relatively well in carrying out their IAPs. Third, it is those developing economies again such as Papua New Guinea, Thailand, the Philippines that have reduced their tariff rates more drastically than what they would normally do, should they live up to the endogenous tariff determination hypothesis.
Executive Summary

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Tariff Reductions

Ⅲ. Political Economy of the IAPs
1. Theoretical Underpinnings
2. Empirical Analysis

Ⅳ. Discussion and Implications

V. Summary and Conclusion


Korean Abstract


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 56
판매가격 5000 원

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