이러한 한계를 극복하기 위해 동북아 국가들은 기능적 경제협력의 심화와 평화적 공존 및 번영을 이룩하기 위해 「동북아 경제공동체」를 구축하기 위해 지속적인 노력을 기울여야 한다.
동북아 지역은 유럽의 EU, 동남아시아의 ASEAN 등과 같은 지역협력체제가 부재한 유일한 지역인 만큼 역내 경제협력체제 구축을 위한 구체적인 협력사업을 추진해야 한다.
이에 본고는 국경간 인프라개발과 역내 경제통합에 필요한 재원 마련을 위한 제도 구축 논의를 증진시키기 위해 2014년 사업 논의현황 및 주요 연구결과를 정리하였다. 2014년에 주요 논의된 내용은 ➀ 역내 경제발전 및 협력에 관한 각국의 입장, ➁ 에너지·자원협력, ③ 제도적 경제통합 및 물리적 연계성 증진 방안, ④ 광역두만강지역 개발의제 등이다.
The main objective is for NEAEF to conduct research and conference activities aimed at functional economic cooperation such as cross-border energy, transportation and logistics infrastructure development, and capital mobilization. The Forum holds annual conferences, workshops, and seminars for planning, facilitating, coordinating, and implementing international and interdisciplinary solutions to common policy problems. It is the only nongovernmental regional organization in which all the nations of Northeast Asia and the US are consistent and active participants.
For the year 2014, NEAEF in collaboration with the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), cooperated in efforts toward achieving closer economic and financial cooperation in Northeast Asia, and continued its focus on research, the annual conference, and meetings aimed at financing regional economic integration and establishment of the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD). This work aims to promote functional economic cooperation in terms of cross-border resources, energy supplies, infrastructure construction, capital mobilization, and institutional development.
NEAEF, as planned for the year 2014, facilitated conference and meeting activities in which experts presented their perspectives, views, ideas, concrete proposals, and strategies relevant to the issues of a regional institution for financial cooperation.
This volume, which is the final part of a series of proceedings titled Financing Regional Economic Integration and Functional Cooperation for Northeast Asia: Toward a Northeast Asia Economic Community, presents the results of a project implemented in 2014 that includes presentations and summaries from the 23rd annual NEAEF conference and meetings, as well as related activities.
Introduction and Overview
Statements by Hosts and Country Representatives
Part I. Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Country Perspectives
- A Korean Perspective (Chang Jae Lee)
- A Chinese Perspective (Zhang Jianping)
- A Japanese Perspective (Maeda Tadashi)
- A Russian Perspective (Pavel Minakir)
Part II: Energy Cooperation: Energy Infrastructure and Physical Connectivity
Japan’s Energy Challenges and Potential for Regional Cooperation (Tanabe Yasuo)
Energy Issues: Security, Alternative Systems, and Low-Carbon Futures (Terry Surles)
Prospects for a Cross-border Power System in Northeast Asia (Iinuma Yoshiki)
Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia: A Russian Perspective (Sergey Sevastianov)
Part III: Regional Cooperation and Integration
Regional Cooperation and Integration in East and Northeast Asia (Kilaparti Ramakrishna)
Cultivating Multilateralism in East Asia (Iwatani Shigeo)
Regional Integration in Northeast Asia (Wang Weina)
Part IV: Financing Regional Economic Integration through Cross-border Infrastructure Construction: Review and
New Approaches to Regional Multilateral Financial Institutions
Keynote Statement—Fulfilling a Long-held Dream: Financial Policy for a Unified Korea (Shin Je Yoon)
A Strategy toward a Regional Multilateral Financial Institution (Lee Jai-Min and Kim Yu-Ree)
Establishing a New Development Financing Institution: Comments and Observations (S. Stanley Katz)
Northeast Asian Financial Cooperation in a New Era (Fan Xiaoyun)
Comments on Financial Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Zou Ping)
Part V: Cross-border Economic Cooperation: Tumen River Area Economic Integration for the Korean Peninsula
Political and Economic Imperatives behind North Korea’s Evolving Special Economic Zones (Glyn Ford)
Underdeveloped Sino-Russian Cross-border Cooperation (Natalia Ryzhova)
Creating a Northeast Asian Economy (Tony Michell)
Appendix I. Seoul Declaration and Agenda
Appendix II. Planning Meeting Summary and Agenda
Appendix III. Report of Field Visit to Rason Special Economic Zone, DPRK and Yanbian, China
분량/크기 | 298 |
판매가격 | 10000 원 |
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