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Proceedings Financing Regional Economic Integration and Functional Cooperation for Northeast Asia: A Multilateral Financial Institution for Northeast Asia 경제통합, 경제협력

저자 Lee-Jay Cho and Chang Jae Lee eds. 발간번호 12-04 자료언어 English 발간일 2012.12.31

원문보기(다운로드:837) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

중국, 일본, 한국, 러시아 등 세계 주요국을 포함한 동북아시아지역은 최근 정권교체가 이루어지는 변화가 있었으나 여전히 전 세계에서 가장 역동적인 경제 중심지 중 하나이다. 동북아시아 주요국의 경제규모와 기술 경쟁력, 러시아와 몽골의 풍부한 천연자원, 그리고 아•태지역과 북미지역과의 긴밀한 생산 네트워크 구축으로 동북아시아지역의 세계 경제에서의 역할은 커지고 있다. 하지만 높아진 세계 경제 위상에도 불구하고 냉전 종식 후 남겨진 민족주의 대립으로 인해 역내 지역안보상황은 아직까지 불안한 상황이다. 일례로 동북아시아지역에는 유럽의 EU와 동남아시아의 ASEAN과 같이 지역협력체제가 부재하다.
그러나 역내 지속 가능한 경제 발전을 위해서는 각 국가들의 경쟁력을 활용하여 공동 번영할 수 있는 방안 마련이 필요하다. 풍부한 천연•인적 자원을 보유한 북한, 몽골, 극동 러시아 및 중국 북동지역의 잠재력을 역내 발전에 활용하기 위해서는 적절한 국경간 인프라 투자가 이루어져야 한다. 에너지 및 환경, 녹색성장 분야의 개발을 위한 국경간 인프라 투자는 막대한 재원이 필요한 분야이다. 이러한 개발수요를 충족하기 위한 핵심 수단은 역내 개발 금융 메커니즘을 확립하는 것이다. 이에 본고는 2009년, 2010년, 2011년에 발간했던 Financing for Regional Economic Integration for Northeast Asia의 네 번째 속편으로 동북아시아 지역통합과 역내 공동 개발을 위한 지역개발금융기관인 동북아개발은행(NEABCD: Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development) 설립에 관한 2012년의 논의 현황, 관련 세미나 및 연구결과를 정리하였다.

The Northeast Asian region, despite the recent changes in political leadership in the major countries of China, Japan, Korea and Russia, is still one of the most dynamic economic centers of the world. With its own capital resources and advancing technology along with enormous resources in Russia and Mongolia, and productive linkages to the Pacific and North America, the region continues to play a pivotal role in the global economy.
Even with the phenomenal economic growth in the region in recent decades, regional security and stability has been fragile, mainly attributable to the geopolitical conditions resulting from the Cold War era. Northeast Asia is one region of the world where a formal regional institutional mechanism comparable to the European Union or ASEAN has yet to be developed.
Yet, it is crucial for the Northeast Asian countries to continue to promote region-wide cooperative projects. The northeastern part of China, North Korea, Mongolia, and the Russian Far East together constitute an area that is well-endowed with natural, energy and human resources. As the three major countries of China, Japan and Korea are heavily dependent on energy imports and are highly vulnerable to energy crisis, Northeast Asian region needs to realize the importance of cross border infrastructure developments. Financing requirements for the necessary cross-border infrastructure are likely to be large, and a regional financial institution is a key to meeting that financing need.
This volume, fourth in the series of proceedings volumes titled, Financing Regional Economic Integration and Functional Cooperation for Northeast Asia: A Multilateral Financial Institution for Northeast Asia, presents the results of the project implemented in 2012 to develop a regional institutional arrangement for financing cross border infrastructure developments and thereby regional economic integration.



Introduction and Overview

Part I. Financing Economic Integration and a Regional Multilateral Bank: Keynote Papers on the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD)
Advancing of the Establishment of the NEABCD / Byungwon Bahk
Toward the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development / Jin Liqun and Zhang Zhixiang

Part II. Financing Economic Integration and a Regional Multilateral Bank: Research Papers on the NEABCD
Creation of a Joint-venture Bank by China, Japan and Korea / Jai Min Lee
1. Introduction
2. Financial sources for development projects and NEABCD
3. Creation of a joint-venture bank by China, Japan, and Korea
4. Conclusion
5. References
Re-thinking the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD) as an Effective Regional Development Framework / Jae Hyung Hong
1. Background
2. Rationale for the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development
3. Various Models of NEABCD
4. Issues Associated with NEABCD
5. Prospects for NEABCD
6. References
Cross-border Projects in the Northeast Asia: Experience, Prospects and Perspective from the Proposed New Financial Institution for Northeast Asia / Liu Ming
1. Introduction
2. The basic theory of cross-border cooperation
3. Cross-border Projects in Northeast Asia: A Brief Review
4. The Role of the Proposed Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development
5. Appendix: Illustrative Projects
Financing Cross-Border Infrastructure of Coastal Cities of Japan and Korea: Pan East Sea Economic and Logistics Cooperation as the Third Step for Northeast Asian Era / Jung Duk Lim and Yul Seong Kim
1. Introduction
2. Review on Economic Cooperation in NEA
3. Pan East Sea Economic Cooperation as a New Engine for NEAEC
4. Role of Busan as a Regional Hub
5. Conclusion
6. References
China’s Development in the Financial Sector in the Context of the Proposed NEABCD / Tu Hong and Zhang Jiangping
1. China’s Development in the Financial Sector
2. China’s Challenges and Risks: Near-Term Issues
3. Long-term Challenges and Risks in Demographics and Energy
4.Changing Dynamics in Asia-Pacific Region and Prospects for establishing the Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD)
5. Conclusion
Proposal for a Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD) / Lee-Jay Cho
1. Background
2. Northeast Asia: Regional Characteristics and Factor Endowments
3. Developing Regional Cross-border Infrastructures
4. The Rationale for a Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development (NEABCD)
5. Capital Requirement: Who Pays?
6. Some Economic and Political Implications: Economic partnership and regional security
7. Conclusion



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