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Proceedings 2009 CRES Visiting Scholar’s Paper Series 경제통합, 경제협력

저자 Heungchong Kim ed. 발간번호 10-02 자료언어 English 발간일 2010.11.05

원문보기(다운로드:505) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

대외경제정책연구원은 1989년 정부출연 연구기관으로 발족한 이래 우리나라의 세계지역연구를 선도해 왔으며 세계유수기관과의 협력을 강화하고 있습니다. 세계지역연구센터는 국내외의 연구자간 교류를 활성화하고 지역연구역량을 강화하고자 방문학자 프로그램을 2008년도부터 시행해 오고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 세계 각국의 유수한 학자와 지역연구 전문가를 초청하여 연구성과와 정보를 공유함으로써 긴밀한 네트워크를 구축하고 협력 증진을 도모하고자 하는 프로그램입니다. ‘CRES Visiting Scholar’s Paper Series’는 이 프로그램의 하나의 성과물로서 이를 통하여 지역연구에 대한 이해를 증진하고자 합니다.
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) has expanded its cooperative relations with the world since it took the role of the hub of regional studies in public research areas of Korea. As a part of our systematic efforts to foster international exchanges and build the knowledge based through interdisciplinary collaboration, The Center for Regional Economic Studies (CRES) initiated a researcher-exchange program called CRES Visiting Fellows Program in 2008. The program brings together influential professionals from academia and the public sector to advance individual, institutional and national understanding of regional economic matters and to improve international cooperation on related research. This volume is a part of our achievements through the program and we hope this proceeding would work as another channel to deepen the understanding of regional economies in Korea.


1.Comparative Study on Changing Pattern of IndustrialStructure Between China and Korea

2.Effects of Structural Change and Income Distribution on Employment: Experience of India and Korea

3.Corporate Social Responsibility Investment and SocialObjectives: An Examination on Social Welfare Investment of Chinese State Owned Enterprises

4.Genesis, Evolution, and the Changing Role of SEZs in Asia:A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan, Korea and India

5.Enhancing the Rural Development Policy Space: Will theSaemaul Movement be Adaptable to Africa?

6.Characteristics and Significance of Socio-economic Development of the Far East and Baikal Region in Russia for the Periodtill 2025

7. General directions of Integration Processes Extension of theRepublic of Uzbekistan into International EconomicalSystem

8.Vietnam-Korea Trade: Complementarity, Competitivenessand Implications for Further Trade Expansion

9. Asian Regional Economic Integration after the Global Crisis:Challenges and China’s Response


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분량/크기 286
판매가격 10000 원

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