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Working paper Korea’s FTA Policy: Current Status and Future Prospects 무역정책, 자유무역

저자 손찬현, 윤진나 발간번호 01-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2001.09.30

원문보기(다운로드:928) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

본 연구는 최근 세간에 화두로 떠오르고 있는 자유무역협정(FTA:Free Trade Agreement)을 주제로 한국의 FTA 정책 도입배경과 주요 FTA 추진현황, 쟁점과제 및 향후 정책방향을 제시하고 있다. (생략)
The purpose of this paper is to give a general picture of Korea's FTA policy in terms of its background, current status and future challenges. Further, it suggests selection criteria for determining Korea's eligible FTA partner and draws important implications on how Korea's future FTA policy should be developed. (The rest is omitted.)
I. Introduction

II. Evolution of Korea's Trade Policy

III. Rationales for the Adoption of FTA Policy
1. Increased Importance of RTAs in World Trade.
2. Changes in the International Perception of Regionalism
3. Securing Export and Investment Market
4. Accelerating Restructuring and Opening of Korean Economy
5. Strengthening Political-economic Ties

IV. Current Status of Korea's FTA Initiatives
1. Korea-Chile FTA
2. Korea-Japan FTA
3. Korea-U.S. FTA.
4. Korea-China-Japan FTA
5. Other FTAs under Consideration

V. Selection Criteria for Choosing Desirable FTA Partners
1. The Structure of Comparative Advantage
2. Income Level
3. Market Size
4. Geographical Proximity
5. Level of Outstanding Trade Barriers
6. Overall Assessment: Viable FTA Partners

VI. Future Prospect of Korea's FTA Policy


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 66
판매가격 5000 원

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