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연구자료 Korea and Brazil: A Partnership for the New Millennium 경제협력

저자 김원호, 권기수 발간번호 00-04 자료언어 English 발간일 2000.10.31

원문보기(다운로드:798) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

브라질은 세계 5위의 국토면적과 1억 6,000만 명의 인구를 갖고 있는 세계 8위의 경제대국이자 남미대륙의 중심국가이다. 우리 나라는 냉전시대 브라질과 자유진영의 일원으로서 우호적인 국제정치 협력관계와 아울러 완만한 경제관계의 발전을 유지하여 왔으나 1980년대 외채위기로 거시경제적 불안과 보호무역주의가 성행하여 양국간 관계는 도약단계에 이르지 못하였다. 그러나 1990년대 들어 브라질의 개혁정부들이 잇따라 시장지향적 경제개혁을 추진하고 이웃 아르헨티나, 우루과이, 파라과이와 남미남부공동시장(MERCOSUL)을 형성한데 이어 남미대륙 전체 경제통합의 전초단계로서 칠레, 볼리비아 등과 자유무역을 성사시키고, 곧 남미자유무역지대(SAFTA) 출범을 눈앞에 두면서 브라질은 세계경제의 새로운 역동국가로 떠오르고 있다. 비록 최근 아시아금융위기 여파로 외채부담이 큰 브라질도 국제사회의 금융지원을 받기에 이르렀으나 연간 200억 달러가 넘는 외국인직접투자 규모가 말해주듯 브라질의 발전원동력은 결코 사그러들지 않았다.

이와 같은 맥락에서 지난 1996년 김영삼 대통령의 남미순방을 계기로 설립된 한·브라질 21세기위원회는 그간 4차례의 합동회의와 국제세미나 개최를 통해 다양한 부문의 협력분야를 발굴하고 이들 부문에서 양국이 공동으로 협력키로 합의했다. 이중에서도 21세기위원회는 한-브라질 과학기술협력기금 설립, 비자면제 협정 추진, 그리고 양국 정상 상호방문 합의 등에서 뚜렷한 성과를 달성했다.

본 보고서는 그간 21세기위원회 합동회의에서 양국 위원들에 의해 관심 있게 논의되었고 양국 학자들이 발표한 양국간 경제협력, 금융협력, 과학기술협력 등 다양한 부문의 협력에 관한 논문을 수록, 21세기 양국간의 발전적인 협력비전을 제시했다.
Brazil, the fifth largest nation in the world, and possessing a population of 160 million, is the world's eighth largest economic power and leader of the South American market. During the Cold War, both Brazil and South Korea maintained very cooperative relations in political terms, however, their economic relations were quite limited. Brazil's import-substitution industrialization strategy, from the 1960s through 1980s, and the prevalence of macroeconomic instability there, in the late 1980s, led to protectionist trade measures that hindered both countries' attempts at further developing their economic relations. In the 1990s, however, the reformist governments in Brazil and its neighbors chose to focus on open-regionalism strategies, and established the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). While taking advantage of the economies of scale resulting from this regional integration, Brazil has continuously promoted market-oriented economic reforms. As the leader of MERCOSUR, Brazil has forged free trade accords with Chile and Bolivia, as well as with other major South American economies. All this has helped Brazil to emerge as a dynamic force in the world economy. Although Brazil recently suffered from a financial crisis resulting from an overwhelming accumulation of foreign debt and the confidence-loss effect caused by the Asian financial crisis, its economic dynamism was strong enough to allow Brazil a rapid recovery. The annual inflow of more than $20 billion in foreign direct investment firmly indicates that the economic growth of the country has not lost any momentum.

In the spirit of continued cooperation, the Korea-Brazil 21st Century Commission, created as a result of President Kim Yong Sam's visit to Brazil in 1996, during its first four meetings and parallel academic conferences, held alternately in Korea and Brazil, decided on a number of fields to be jointly developed by both countries. Notable progress has resulted from the Commission's coordination of the exchange of intellectuals and experts from a vast array of fields of mutual interest. The proposed science, technology and industrial cooperation fund, visa exemption accord, and summit meeting are already in sight.

This book is a compilation of numerous papers and presentations submitted by Korean and Brazilian scholars, and discussed by the Korea-Brazil 21st Century Commission members. Several new articles have been added, and others have been re-edited and updated since their initial presentation. We would like to give our special thanks to the esteemed members and coordinators of the Korea-Brazil 21st Century Commission for their insightful, wise and expert contributions, through all stages of this project, and to all those who put a great deal of effort into this book. It is my sincere hope that this publication provides both useful information and ideas that will assist in the building of further mutually cooperative and rewarding relations between Korea and Brazil, while also serving as a valuable academic resource.

Ⅰ. Korea and Brazil: Development and Challenges

1. The Management of Science and Technology in Industrial Development: Lessons
the Korean Experience
Linsu Kim
Professor, Korea University

2. Korean Economic Growth and Current Crisis
Woo Tack Kim
Professor, Hallym University

3. Brazil's Current Economic Situation and Major Issues
Alkimar R. Moura
Professor, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV)

4. The Brazilian Economy: From Hyper-Inflation to Stabilization
Claudio Monteiro Considera
Researcher Director of the Institute of Applied Economics
Research (IPEA)

Ⅱ. Korea-Brazil Economic Relations at the Turn of the Century

5. Korea-Brazil Trade and Investment Relations: Boom, Crisis, and Future
Won-Ho Kim
Director for the Americas, Korea Institute for International Economic
Policy (KIEP)

6. The Brazilian Economy, Mercosur, and Cooperation between Brazil and Korea
Luiz Felipe de Seixas Corrêa
Secretary-General of External Relations of Brazil

7. Brazil-Korea Cooperation: Prospects and Questions
Mauro M. Durante
President of the Executive Board of the Brazilian Service for Support to
Micro and Small
Companies (SEBRAE)

8. Korea's Financial Crisis and Financial Cooperation between Korea and Brazil
Jae-Yoon Kim
Former Member of the Monetary Board of the Bank of Korea

9. SMEs in Mercosur and Korea: Searching for New Sources of Economic
Gilmar Masiero
Professor, the State University of Maringa

10. Economic Cooperation between Asia and Mercosur:
Searching for Economic Cooperation Directions Between Korea and Mercosur
Ki-Su Kwon
Country Specialist, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Ⅲ. Korea-Brazil Science and Technology Cooperation in the New Millennium

11. Korea-Brazil Science & Technology Cooperation: Trends and Issues
Sung Chul Chung
Director, Center for International Science and Technology
Cooperation (CISTC/STEPI)

12. Science & Technology in Brazil: Possibilities of Cooperation with Korea
Eduardo M. Kriger
Chairman, Brazilian Academy of Science

13. Biotechnology in Korea and Prospects for Cooperation with Brazil
Young Hoon Park
Director, Bioprocess Technology Research Division, Korea Research
Institute of Bioscience and
Biotechnology (KRIBB)

14. Biotechnology in Brazil and Korea: Possibilities for Cooperation
Antonio Paes de Carvalho
Professor, Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro

15. The Korean Initiatives Towards the Information Society: Opportunities for
Cooperation with Brazil.
Carlos J. P. Lucena and Mario D. Ripper
Professor, Department of Computer Science at Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro and Consultant,
Fang & Ripper


A. The Final Report of the Korea-Brazil 21st-Century Commission

B. The Minute of the First Meeting of the Korea-Brazil
21st-Century Commission

C. The Minute of the Second Meeting of the Korea-Brazil 21st-Century Commission

D. The Minute of the Third Meeting of the Korea-Brazil 21st-Century Commission

E. The Minute of the Fourth Meeting of the Korea-Brazil 21st-Century


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