Working paper
Inward FDI Regime and Some Evidences of Spillover Effects in Korea
저자 김준동 발간번호 99-09 자료언어 English 발간일 1999.06.30
우리 정부는 1997년말 외환위기 이후 적극적인 외국인투자 촉진정책을 실시하였다. 1998년 11월에는 수요자중심의 투자제도를 마련하기 위해 외국인투자촉진법을 제정하였다. 동 법의 주요내용은 외국인투자 절차를 간소화하고, 투자인센티브를 확충하며, 원스톱서비스를 제공하는 제도적 장치를 마련하는 것이다. 이와 함께 정부는 국경간 인수합병과 외국인토지 소유에 대해 전면적인 자유화를 실시하였다.또한 1998년 7월 정부는 상업차관에 대한 한도를 철폐하는 등 중장기 해외차입을 자유화하였고, 1999년 4월에는 외국환관리법을 외국환거래법으로 대체함으로써 외국환거래에 관해 대부분의 규제를 철폐하였고 나머지 규제도 네거티브 시스템으로 전환하였다.
이러한 자유화정책에 힘입어 1998년 외국인투자는 51억 달러로서 사상최고 수준을 기록하였다. 특히 인수합병에 의한 외국인투자가 크게 늘어났는데, 1998년도 구주취득에 의한 외국인투자는 12억 달러로서 총 외국인투자의 14%를 차지하였고, 자산취득에 의한 것까지 합한다면 총 외국인투자의 50%를 초과하는 것으로 추정된다.
기존의 사례분석 결과에 의하면 외국인투자기업들은 반도체 및 화공분야를 포함한 여러 산업에서 생산성을 제고시키는 효과를 가져왔다. 이러한 생산성 파급효과를 가져오는 경로로는 숙련 고용자의 배출 및 이들에 대한 창업지원, 하청기업에 대한 기술지원, 신기술 및 자본재의 도입, 선진경영기법의 이전, 자체 연구개발, 경쟁제고 등을 들 수 있다.
이와 같은 생산성 제고효과 등의 이득을 고려할 때 향후 잔존하는 투자장애요인을 제거하여 외국인투자를 더욱더 유치하는 것이 필요하다. 현재 국경을 넘나들 때 겪는 진입 장벽을 거의 제거되었으나, 국내기업과 마찬가지로 겪게 되는 영업환경상의 규제 등 국내적인 장애요인이 많이 잔존하여 있는 실정이다. 특히 애매모호한 세법과 복잡한 통관 및 수입절차 등은 외국인투자자들이 가장 불편을 지적하는 사항이다.
또한 경영상의 긴박한 어려움이 있을 때에만 고용조정이 가능하도록 한 요건이 너무 엄격하다는 것도 지적되고 있으나, 노동시장 유연성의 확보를 위해서는 사회안전망의 구축이 시급한 과제이다.
한편 외국인투자자의 입장에서는 아직도 우리 국민의 배타적 인식이 문화상의 약점으로 지적되고 있고, 그 외 개인적 의사결정 및 감정적 대응 등 합리성의 결여, 학연 및 지연, 변화에 대한 유연성의 결여, 호전적인 노조, 정보전파의 부족, 국제화의 미흡 등도 문화상의 장애요인으로 지적되고 있다.
이러한 자유화정책에 힘입어 1998년 외국인투자는 51억 달러로서 사상최고 수준을 기록하였다. 특히 인수합병에 의한 외국인투자가 크게 늘어났는데, 1998년도 구주취득에 의한 외국인투자는 12억 달러로서 총 외국인투자의 14%를 차지하였고, 자산취득에 의한 것까지 합한다면 총 외국인투자의 50%를 초과하는 것으로 추정된다.
기존의 사례분석 결과에 의하면 외국인투자기업들은 반도체 및 화공분야를 포함한 여러 산업에서 생산성을 제고시키는 효과를 가져왔다. 이러한 생산성 파급효과를 가져오는 경로로는 숙련 고용자의 배출 및 이들에 대한 창업지원, 하청기업에 대한 기술지원, 신기술 및 자본재의 도입, 선진경영기법의 이전, 자체 연구개발, 경쟁제고 등을 들 수 있다.
이와 같은 생산성 제고효과 등의 이득을 고려할 때 향후 잔존하는 투자장애요인을 제거하여 외국인투자를 더욱더 유치하는 것이 필요하다. 현재 국경을 넘나들 때 겪는 진입 장벽을 거의 제거되었으나, 국내기업과 마찬가지로 겪게 되는 영업환경상의 규제 등 국내적인 장애요인이 많이 잔존하여 있는 실정이다. 특히 애매모호한 세법과 복잡한 통관 및 수입절차 등은 외국인투자자들이 가장 불편을 지적하는 사항이다.
또한 경영상의 긴박한 어려움이 있을 때에만 고용조정이 가능하도록 한 요건이 너무 엄격하다는 것도 지적되고 있으나, 노동시장 유연성의 확보를 위해서는 사회안전망의 구축이 시급한 과제이다.
한편 외국인투자자의 입장에서는 아직도 우리 국민의 배타적 인식이 문화상의 약점으로 지적되고 있고, 그 외 개인적 의사결정 및 감정적 대응 등 합리성의 결여, 학연 및 지연, 변화에 대한 유연성의 결여, 호전적인 노조, 정보전파의 부족, 국제화의 미흡 등도 문화상의 장애요인으로 지적되고 있다.
This paper seeks to document Korea's inward foreign direct investment regime and some evidences of its spillover effects. Since the financial crisis of the late 1997, the Korean government started to actively promote inward foreign direct investment (FDI). In November 1998, the Korean government enacted the Foreign Investment Promotion Act. This new legislation focuses on creating an investor-oriented policy environment by streamlining foreign investment procedures, strengthening investment incentives and establishing an institutional framework for investor relations, including a one-stop service. The Korean government also undertook full-fledged liberalization in the area of hostile cross-border M&A and foreign land ownership.
As of July 1998, the government liberalized medium-term foreign loans in order to reduce the burdens on businesses seeking foreign capital. The requirement that commercial borrowing from abroad should exceed $1 million was eliminated. In April 1999, Korea abolished the restrictive Foreign Exchange Management Act and replaced it with the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act. With the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act in place, most of the restrictions on foreign exchange transactions and domestic transactions in foreign currencies have been eliminated. Remaining restrictions are now classified under a negative rather than a positive listing system.
Thanks to these policy changes, the FDI inflow has increased remarkably in 1998, reaching a record amount of US$ 5.1 billion. The pace of foreign direct investment through cross-border M&A has picked up markedly. Compared to US$ 698 million or only 10% of total foreign direct investment in 1997, foreign acquisitions of outstanding Korean stocks have increased to US$ 1,241 million or 14% of total FDI in 1998. If the acquisitions of assets were included in the statistics of cross-border M&A, the amount of cross-border M&A would be more than half of the total FDI inflow in 1998.
The case studies on some selected industries including semiconductor and chemical show that foreign invested firms raised domestic productivity by spinning out skilled workers; providing technical guidance to subcontractors; bringing in new capital goods and technology; introducing advanced management know-how; conducting in-house R&D; enhancing competition.
Considering the benefits of FDI in raising productivity through spillover effects, it is needed to attract more FDI by removing remaining barriers. As entry barriers have been almost completely ended, most remaining obstacles are the same as faced by domestic investors. Although the government is making some progress by streamlining investment procedures, Korea's markets and industries are still bogged down with regulations that are as complicated as they are vague. In particular, the ambiguous tax laws as well as cumbersome regulations on customs and import procedures are regarded as the most serious impediment to foreign investors.
Another important area which has not been adequately addressed is labor market inflexibility. Layoffs are still difficult to execute on a large scale and are allowed only in the case of emergency. Efforts to enhance labor market flexibility is limited by the lack of a social safety net.
Anti-foreign public sentiment remains at the top of lists of perceived weaknesses of the Korean culture from the point of view of foreign investors. Other weaknesses pointed out by foreign investors include a lack of rationality due to personal decision-making or emotional reactions, relationships based on school or locality, lack of flexibility or resistance to change, militant labor unions, poor dissemination of information, and the lack of internationalization.
As of July 1998, the government liberalized medium-term foreign loans in order to reduce the burdens on businesses seeking foreign capital. The requirement that commercial borrowing from abroad should exceed $1 million was eliminated. In April 1999, Korea abolished the restrictive Foreign Exchange Management Act and replaced it with the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act. With the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act in place, most of the restrictions on foreign exchange transactions and domestic transactions in foreign currencies have been eliminated. Remaining restrictions are now classified under a negative rather than a positive listing system.
Thanks to these policy changes, the FDI inflow has increased remarkably in 1998, reaching a record amount of US$ 5.1 billion. The pace of foreign direct investment through cross-border M&A has picked up markedly. Compared to US$ 698 million or only 10% of total foreign direct investment in 1997, foreign acquisitions of outstanding Korean stocks have increased to US$ 1,241 million or 14% of total FDI in 1998. If the acquisitions of assets were included in the statistics of cross-border M&A, the amount of cross-border M&A would be more than half of the total FDI inflow in 1998.
The case studies on some selected industries including semiconductor and chemical show that foreign invested firms raised domestic productivity by spinning out skilled workers; providing technical guidance to subcontractors; bringing in new capital goods and technology; introducing advanced management know-how; conducting in-house R&D; enhancing competition.
Considering the benefits of FDI in raising productivity through spillover effects, it is needed to attract more FDI by removing remaining barriers. As entry barriers have been almost completely ended, most remaining obstacles are the same as faced by domestic investors. Although the government is making some progress by streamlining investment procedures, Korea's markets and industries are still bogged down with regulations that are as complicated as they are vague. In particular, the ambiguous tax laws as well as cumbersome regulations on customs and import procedures are regarded as the most serious impediment to foreign investors.
Another important area which has not been adequately addressed is labor market inflexibility. Layoffs are still difficult to execute on a large scale and are allowed only in the case of emergency. Efforts to enhance labor market flexibility is limited by the lack of a social safety net.
Anti-foreign public sentiment remains at the top of lists of perceived weaknesses of the Korean culture from the point of view of foreign investors. Other weaknesses pointed out by foreign investors include a lack of rationality due to personal decision-making or emotional reactions, relationships based on school or locality, lack of flexibility or resistance to change, militant labor unions, poor dissemination of information, and the lack of internationalization.
Executive Summary
I. Historical Overview of Korea's Inward Foreign Direct Investment Policy
II. Patterns of Inward FDI
1. Greenfield vs. M&A activity
2. Sectoral distribution
III. Recent Changes in Inward FDI Policy
1. Transparency
2. Expanding market access
3. Improvement of the foreign investment support system
4. Privatization
5. Liberalizing foreign exchange transaction
6. Import liberalization
IV. Some Evidences of Spillover Effects in Selected Industries
1. Electronics
2. Chemicals
3. Machinery
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Retailing
V. Future Agenda: Removing Remaining Impediments to Inward FDI
1. Formal barriers
2. Informal barriers
I. Historical Overview of Korea's Inward Foreign Direct Investment Policy
II. Patterns of Inward FDI
1. Greenfield vs. M&A activity
2. Sectoral distribution
III. Recent Changes in Inward FDI Policy
1. Transparency
2. Expanding market access
3. Improvement of the foreign investment support system
4. Privatization
5. Liberalizing foreign exchange transaction
6. Import liberalization
IV. Some Evidences of Spillover Effects in Selected Industries
1. Electronics
2. Chemicals
3. Machinery
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Retailing
V. Future Agenda: Removing Remaining Impediments to Inward FDI
1. Formal barriers
2. Informal barriers
분량/크기 | 64 |
판매가격 | 5000 원 |
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