■ 중미국가들은 지난 10년간 민주주의 정착 및 지속적인 경제성장, 외국인 투자증가, 환율안정, 낮은 인플레 등 政治經濟的 안정을 통해 새로운 지역으로 변모하였다. 중미는 풍부한 관광자원은 물론 地政學的으로 北美와 南美, 그리고 大西洋과 太平洋을 잇는 가교역할을 하고 있으며 美國 및 EU로부터 특혜관세를 받고 있어 새로운 貿易投資市場으로서의 가치가 매우 높다.
■ 1960년 창설된 中美共同市場(CACM)은 1980년대 역내의 政治經濟的 혼란으로 와해위기에 직면하기도 했으나 1990년대 들어 政治經濟的 안정에 힘입어 새롭게 도약하고 있다. 中美共同市場은 역내통합공고화를 도모함은 물론 EU와의 관계강화도 꾀하고 있으며 미주자유무역지대(FTAA) 창설에도 적극 참여하고 있다.
■ 지금까지 아시아-중미간 協力은 지리적 거리 및 문화적인 차이 때문에 상대적으로 다른지역에 비해 미흡했다. 그러나 최근 아시아-중미간 관계는 중미국가들의 무역 및 투자자유화 노력, 거시 경제적 안정, 높은 성장 및 개발잠재력에 따라 크게 발전하고 있다. 특히 韓國과의 협력관계는 1996년 韓-중미정상회담에서 합의된 한-중미 대화협의체 구성 및 우리기업의 투자/교역 확대에 힘입어 크게 진전될 것으로 보인다.
■ 1960년 창설된 中美共同市場(CACM)은 1980년대 역내의 政治經濟的 혼란으로 와해위기에 직면하기도 했으나 1990년대 들어 政治經濟的 안정에 힘입어 새롭게 도약하고 있다. 中美共同市場은 역내통합공고화를 도모함은 물론 EU와의 관계강화도 꾀하고 있으며 미주자유무역지대(FTAA) 창설에도 적극 참여하고 있다.
■ 지금까지 아시아-중미간 協力은 지리적 거리 및 문화적인 차이 때문에 상대적으로 다른지역에 비해 미흡했다. 그러나 최근 아시아-중미간 관계는 중미국가들의 무역 및 투자자유화 노력, 거시 경제적 안정, 높은 성장 및 개발잠재력에 따라 크게 발전하고 있다. 특히 韓國과의 협력관계는 1996년 韓-중미정상회담에서 합의된 한-중미 대화협의체 구성 및 우리기업의 투자/교역 확대에 힘입어 크게 진전될 것으로 보인다.
■ Central American Countries in the past decade have rapidly achieved democratic as well as economic stability. Sustained economic growth, increased foreign investment, exchange rate stability and low inflation rates have transformed the region's economic outlook in a strongly positive direction. Central America not only possesses abundant tourist resources, but also an advantageous geographic location at the crossroads of North and South America, and the Atlantic and Pacific. Central America also benefits from preferential tariff rates with the United States and EU, which are enhancing the position of Central America as a new and invaluable market of trade and investment.
■ The Central American Common Market (CACM), created in 1960, experienced a serious collapse of confidence in the 1980s due to the political and economic problems in the region. However, the CACM has reversed course and is now entering a new era of development, taking advantage of the political and economic stability in the region. The CACM is not only deepening the economic integration in the region, but is also strengthening its relations with the EU, and actively is promoting the formation of the Free Trade Area of Americas (FTAA).
■ Due to the geographical and cultural distance between Central America and Asia, the extent of cooperation between the two regions had remained relatively insignificant. However, relations between the two regions are now making remarkable progress owing to Central America's increasingly large potential for economic growth and development derived from its commitment to liberalize trade and investment, while maintaining macro-economic stability. In particular, Korea's cooperative relations with Central America will be strengthened by the establishment of Korea-Central America Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation, the brainchild of the 1996 Korea-Central America Summit, and by Korean firms increasing trade and investment in the region.
■ The Central American Common Market (CACM), created in 1960, experienced a serious collapse of confidence in the 1980s due to the political and economic problems in the region. However, the CACM has reversed course and is now entering a new era of development, taking advantage of the political and economic stability in the region. The CACM is not only deepening the economic integration in the region, but is also strengthening its relations with the EU, and actively is promoting the formation of the Free Trade Area of Americas (FTAA).
■ Due to the geographical and cultural distance between Central America and Asia, the extent of cooperation between the two regions had remained relatively insignificant. However, relations between the two regions are now making remarkable progress owing to Central America's increasingly large potential for economic growth and development derived from its commitment to liberalize trade and investment, while maintaining macro-economic stability. In particular, Korea's cooperative relations with Central America will be strengthened by the establishment of Korea-Central America Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation, the brainchild of the 1996 Korea-Central America Summit, and by Korean firms increasing trade and investment in the region.
Kyung-Tae Lee
Ⅰ. The New Central America: An Attractive Marketfor Investments and Trade
Ernesto Leal Sànchez, Secretary General, Central American Integration
Ⅱ. Central American Economic Integration and the Strategy for External Expansion
Humberto Arguello Chamorro, Professor, UAM, Nicaragua
Ⅲ. Asian Economic Interests in Central America
Carolina Alas De Franco, Analyst of Microeconomic Section, FUSADES
Ⅳ. Appendices
1. Welcoming Speech
Kyung-Tae Lee, President, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
2. Opening Remarks
Doo-Hwoi Koo, President, Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean
3. Remarks at the Korea-Central America Seminar
Joun-Yung Sun, Vice-Minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade
4. Palabra de Congratulación
Ramòn E. Gonzàlez Giner, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de El
5. Seminar Program
Kyung-Tae Lee
Ⅰ. The New Central America: An Attractive Marketfor Investments and Trade
Ernesto Leal Sànchez, Secretary General, Central American Integration
Ⅱ. Central American Economic Integration and the Strategy for External Expansion
Humberto Arguello Chamorro, Professor, UAM, Nicaragua
Ⅲ. Asian Economic Interests in Central America
Carolina Alas De Franco, Analyst of Microeconomic Section, FUSADES
Ⅳ. Appendices
1. Welcoming Speech
Kyung-Tae Lee, President, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
2. Opening Remarks
Doo-Hwoi Koo, President, Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean
3. Remarks at the Korea-Central America Seminar
Joun-Yung Sun, Vice-Minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade
4. Palabra de Congratulación
Ramòn E. Gonzàlez Giner, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de El
5. Seminar Program
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판매가격 | 10000 원 |
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