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Working paper Regional Financial Arrangement in East Asia: Policy Proposal for Strengthening the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization 경제협력, 금융통합

저자 Pravin Krishna, Jiyoung Choi, and Tae-Hoon Lim 발간번호 14-05 자료언어 English 발간일 2014.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,997) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

동아시아 국가들은 1997년 아시아 외환위기 및 2008년 글로벌 금융위기를 겪으면서 위기에 대한 대비로 외환보유고를 축적하는 자구책 이외에 지역금융안전망 구축을 위한 노력을 기울여왔으나, 위기 시 대비책이 작동하지 않으면서 이에 대한 개선방안 모색이 필요한 시점이다. 동 연구에서는 동아시아 지역금융안전망 강화를 위한 두 가지 방안을 제안하고 있다. 첫째, 역내 통화의 활용도를 높이는 방안으로 단계적 접근법을 통해 1단계에서는 무역결제 시 역내 통화 사용, 2단계는 역내 통화표시 투자자산 확대 및 역내 통화간 직거래시장 개설, 3단계에서는 자본계정 거래까지 통화사용을 확대하는 방안을 제시한다. 둘째, 역내 surveillance 역량 강화를 목적으로 IMF와의 협력방안을 모색한다.
Since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, the East Asian countries have made efforts to guard against the crisis not only by being self-insured through the accumulation of foreign reserves but also by establishing a bilateral or regional financial safety net through the pooling of reserves. Holding ample amount of foreign reserves has proven itself to be useful but it comes with a high price tag. Moreover, in spite of noticeable achievements in recent years, the regional financial arrangement, namely the CMIM framework, had not been activated during the global financial crisis in 2007-08. Ironically, the bilateral currency swaps with the US Federal Reserve Bank played a pivotal role at that time in addressing some Asian countries’ liquidity shortages.
The crisis in 2007-08 has provoked a recurring discussion about the necessity of transforming the international monetary system and enhancing the alternative or complementary insurance mechanism of regional financial arrangements to fend off shocks. In the paper, we propose two ways to strengthen a regional financial arrangement in East Asia to make a practical contribution to the global architecture reform agenda and to build a resilient economy: (i) establishing a currency arrangement under CMIM framework to increase the usage of local currencies; and (ii) creating a cooperative framework between the AMRO and the IMF in the area of surveillance.

I. Introduction

II. Considerations on the Status Quo

III. Challenges for the CMIM Framework

IV. Approach 1: Establishing and Operating an Asian Currency Scheme
  1. Background and Motivation
  2. Phase I: Using Local Currencies in Trade Settlement
  3. Phase II: Enhancing the Investment Opportunities and Developing Interbank Foreign Exchange Market
  4. Phase III: Full Capital Account Liberalization
  5. Potential Benefits and Risks

V. Approach 2: Addressing the Issue of Conditionality and Surveillance Capacity
  1. Background and Motivation
  2.  Policy Option:  Collaboration with the IMF to Enhance Regional Surveillance

VI. Conclusion



분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 62
판매가격 3000 원

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