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APEC Study Series Free Trade Agreements in the APEC Region: An Evolutionary Path to Bogor Goals 경제통합, 자유무역

저자 박성훈 발간번호 08-02 자료언어 English 발간일 2008.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,206) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

아시아 태평양 지역 국가들은 오랫동안 다자주의 체제의 신봉자로서 GATT/WTO 체제의 발전에 커다란 기여를 해 왔으나, 1990년대 말부터는 다자주의와 지역주의 정책을 병행하여 추구하는 새로운 대외경제전략을 추진하고 있다. 본 연구는 APEC 회원국들이 추진하고 있는 지역주의 전략을 주도면밀히 분석한 후 APEC 차원에서 보고르목표에 더 가까이 접근하기 위해 이러한 지역주의화 경향을 여하히 활용할 수 있는가를 집중적으로 조명하기 위해 집필되었다. (생략)
The paper analyses the increasing regionalism tendency of APEC member economies, and investigates how the APEC process can make use of this tendency to bring the member economies closer to the Bogor Goals. The paper identified APEC to be dwindled in two crises – identity and credibility crisis – and recommended to actively make use of the intensified regionalism forces of member economies in overcoming these crises. Especially when making APEC-wide efforts to achieve the Bogor Goals, the paper advises the APEC process to utilize the diverse policy responses, which have been already adopted, in a more focused and consistent manner. By presenting a Roadmap and suggesting related policy steps, as well as discussing challenges and opportunities pertaining to each step, this paper proposed a series of policy actions for APEC to achieve the Bogor Goals. (The rest is omitted.)
I. Introduction II. Analysis of FTA Initiatives of APEC Member Economies 1. General Tendency towards Regionalism in the Region 2. FTA Activities with Other APEC Member Economies 3. FTA Activities with non-APEC Countries III. Increasing FTA Activities of APEC Member Economies and Bogor Goals 1. Potential of Increasing FTAs to be Stumbling Block to the Bogor Goals 2. Potential of Increasing FTA Activities to be Building Block to the Bogor Goals IV. APEC's Response to Increasing FTA Activities of Member Economies: An Evaluation 1. Rethinking the Instruments to Achieve the Bogor Goals 2. Approaches Addressing the Problem of Increasing FTA Activities 3. Evaluation of APEC Activities and Prospects V. Roadmap towards Achieving the Bogor Goals through intra-APEC FTAs 1. A Possible Roadmap of APEC towards the Bogor Goals 2. Challenges for Each Step of the Roadmap VI. Conclusion


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 68
판매가격 5000 원

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