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Working paper How Far Has Regional Integration Deepened? 경제통합

저자 박순찬 발간번호 02-17 자료언어 English 발간일 2002.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:772) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, Mercosur, Andean 등의 지역통합체가 각기 어떤 발전단계에 있는지를 실증분석한다. 지역통합은 단순히 관세만을 철폐하거나 또는 모든 측면에서 동일한 조건을 누리는 공동체 등 다양한 형태가 있다. (생략)
Deep regional integration is accompanied by harmonization and coordination of regulatory regimes and policies. Such developments may result in the promotion and facilitation of trade in services, since liberalization of trade in services requires regulatory reforms to reduce the market segmenting effect of domestic policies. To provide a clue to the question of how far regional integration agreements have advanced, this paper estimates the effects of regional integration on trade in nine services by using a gravity model. The results show that the existing regional blocs are at different stages. We identify that the efforts of the EU towards deep integration have had a significant impact on trade in services between members, while NAFTA, Mercosur and Andean trade less with their own members than their potential as suggested by income and geography.
Executive Summary

I. Introduction

II. Services Liberalization in RIAs
1. EU

III. Empirical Analysis

IV. Results

V. Concluding Remarks



분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 38
판매가격 2000 원

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