Working paper
Patent Protection and Strategic Trade Policy
저자 강문성 발간번호 00-07 자료언어 English 발간일 2000.10.30
본 논문은 전략적 무역정책을 새로운 시각에서 다시 고찰하였다. R&D보조금에 대한 기존의 연구에서는 기업들이 완전한 지적 재산권을 영위하고 있다고 암묵적으로 가정하고 있다. 그러나, 실제 경제에서는 지적 재산권, 특히 R&D투자결과에 대한 특허보호가 제대로 이루어 지지 않는 실정이다. 일부 개발도상국의 지적 재산권 해적 행위에 의해 R&D 투자 기업들이 기술개발에 따른 이익을 완벽하게 영위할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 정부로부터 보조금을 받은 경우 이 보조금의 혜택이 외국 경쟁기업으로 유입될 가능성까지 존재한다.
본 논문에서는 지적 재산권의 불완전한 보호가 전략적 무역정책으로서의 R&D보조금 정책에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석한다. 또한 각국의 지적 재산권 보호 수준이 외생으로 주어졌을 때, 불완전한 지적 재산권 보호가 기업간 전력적 행태와 R&D게임의 외부성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다.
본 논문에서는 지적 재산권의 불완전한 보호가 전략적 무역정책으로서의 R&D보조금 정책에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석한다. 또한 각국의 지적 재산권 보호 수준이 외생으로 주어졌을 때, 불완전한 지적 재산권 보호가 기업간 전력적 행태와 R&D게임의 외부성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다.
This paper reconsiders the well-worked topic of strategic trade policy, but we approach the topic from a novel and important perspective. We observe that previous work on strategic trade policy with regard to R&D subsidies, starting with the seminal paper by Barbara Spencer and Jim Brander (1983), has proceeded under the implicit assumption that firms have perfect property rights to the results of their R&D investments. In reality, of course, the protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) is not perfect. So it is natural to consider optimal choices for these policies in tandem rather than examining R&D subsidy policy in isolation.
We show that the level of IPR protection can have important implications for a government's incentives to intervene in the R&D decisions of domestic firms.We treat the level of IPR protection as exogenous, and consider how weak IPR protection may affect the case for an R&D subsidy in an international duopoly setting. When IPR protection is perfect, the model is identical to the original Spencer and Brander setup, and exhibits its well-known features. A firm's profits rise when its rival undertakes smaller amounts of R&D, and so governments seek to reduce the R&D levels of rival firms with their R&D policies. As a firm's best response to an increase in R&D by its rival is to reduce its own R&D (i.e., R&D reaction curves slope down), the domestic government will wish to subsidize R&D because, in providing the domestic firm with an incentive to do more R&D, the government is able to discourage R&D activity be the foreign rival firm.
However, in the presence of imperfect IPR protection, a novel force comes into play in determining government incentives to intervene in firm R&D choices: a rival's R&D now directly reduces one's own costs as well. If IPR protection is sufficiently weak, we show that R&D reaction functions will in fact slope up, so that a prediction of R&D subsidies will again obtain. But now it is fore precisely the opposite reason found in the original Spencer and Brander logic: the domestic government will wish to subsidize its firm's R&D in the presence of sufficiently weak IPR protection, because in providing the domestic firm with an incentive to do more R&D, the government is able to encourage R&D activity by the foreign rival firm, and the greater R&D investments of the foreign rival increase the profits of the domestic firm.This paper is useful in that it succeeds in identifying and characterizing the interesting effects that exogenous variation in the degree of IPR protection can have on standard strategic trade policy arguments. In pointing out the importance of the IPR regime for understanding the incentives to subsidize R&D, and even for predicting the sign of the optimal strategic R&D policy, we also set the stage of future research, which models the joint determination of R&D subsidies and IPR regime.
We show that the level of IPR protection can have important implications for a government's incentives to intervene in the R&D decisions of domestic firms.We treat the level of IPR protection as exogenous, and consider how weak IPR protection may affect the case for an R&D subsidy in an international duopoly setting. When IPR protection is perfect, the model is identical to the original Spencer and Brander setup, and exhibits its well-known features. A firm's profits rise when its rival undertakes smaller amounts of R&D, and so governments seek to reduce the R&D levels of rival firms with their R&D policies. As a firm's best response to an increase in R&D by its rival is to reduce its own R&D (i.e., R&D reaction curves slope down), the domestic government will wish to subsidize R&D because, in providing the domestic firm with an incentive to do more R&D, the government is able to discourage R&D activity be the foreign rival firm.
However, in the presence of imperfect IPR protection, a novel force comes into play in determining government incentives to intervene in firm R&D choices: a rival's R&D now directly reduces one's own costs as well. If IPR protection is sufficiently weak, we show that R&D reaction functions will in fact slope up, so that a prediction of R&D subsidies will again obtain. But now it is fore precisely the opposite reason found in the original Spencer and Brander logic: the domestic government will wish to subsidize its firm's R&D in the presence of sufficiently weak IPR protection, because in providing the domestic firm with an incentive to do more R&D, the government is able to encourage R&D activity by the foreign rival firm, and the greater R&D investments of the foreign rival increase the profits of the domestic firm.This paper is useful in that it succeeds in identifying and characterizing the interesting effects that exogenous variation in the degree of IPR protection can have on standard strategic trade policy arguments. In pointing out the importance of the IPR regime for understanding the incentives to subsidize R&D, and even for predicting the sign of the optimal strategic R&D policy, we also set the stage of future research, which models the joint determination of R&D subsidies and IPR regime.
Executive Summary
I. Introduction
II. Patent Protection and Enforcement
A. Patents
B. Foreign Patents and Treaties
C. Patent Protection Enforcement
Ⅲ. The Model
A. Overview
B. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
C. Nash Equilibrium
D. The Optimal R&D Subsidies
E. The Unique Patent Protection Enforcement
F. The Optimal Intervention of Both Countries
IV. Conclusion
Appendix A: Proof of Proposition 2
Appendix B: Proof of Proposition 6
I. Introduction
II. Patent Protection and Enforcement
A. Patents
B. Foreign Patents and Treaties
C. Patent Protection Enforcement
Ⅲ. The Model
A. Overview
B. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
C. Nash Equilibrium
D. The Optimal R&D Subsidies
E. The Unique Patent Protection Enforcement
F. The Optimal Intervention of Both Countries
IV. Conclusion
Appendix A: Proof of Proposition 2
Appendix B: Proof of Proposition 6
분량/크기 | 57 |
판매가격 | 5000 원 |
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