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Working paper Korea’s FTA Policy Consistent with APEC 자유무역

저자 정인교 발간번호 99-04 자료언어 English 발간일 1999.04.03

원문보기(다운로드:736) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

- 지난해 11월 정부는 확대·심화되는 지역주의에 능동적으로 대처하고 지역무역협정의 순기능을 활용하기 위해 주요 거점지역과의 FTA 체결을 추진키로 하였음.

o 주요 내용은 칠레와의 FTA 체결을 우선 추진하고, 이어 이스라엘, 남아공, 터키 등과 FTA를 추진하는 것임.

- 칠레와의 FTA는 양국간 교역이 상호보완적이고, 교역규모가 작은 관계로 FTA 체결로부터 오는 충격을 최소화하면서도, 칠레의 지역무역협정 경험을 공유할 수 있다는 점에서 동 FTA의 추진은 바람직하다고 할 수 있음.
- 그러나 칠레와의 FTA이후에 우리나라가 추진해야 할 FTA는 가능하면 외국의 부정적인 시각을 줄이면서 우리나라의 장기적 FTA 추진방향과 일치하는 것이어야 함.
- 칠레와의 FTA 체결이후 우리나라가 체결하는 FTA 대상국가로 APEC 회원국으로 선정하는 것이 우리나라의 FTA 추진 정책을 APEC 무역자유화와 연관시켜 주요 교역국에 설명할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 장기적 FTA 대상국가인 미국과의 FTA 체결에도 도움이 될 것으로 보임.

o 즉, 지역주의가 다자체제를 보완할 수 있다는 논리와 같이 APEC 역내 소지역무역협정의 체결로 역내 무역자유화를 앞당기는 효과가 있으며, 신규 소지역무역협정은 NAFTA, AFTA와 같은 기존의 소지역무역협정과의 연대를 통해 더 넓의 지역의 무역자유화를 달성할 수 있음.

o 또한 소지역무역협정간 경제통합은 협상참여자의 수를 줄임으로써 APEC 21개국이 참여하는 것보다 자유화협상이 더 순조로울 수 있음.

o 한편 APEC의 무역자유화가 진전을 보이지 못하자 미국은 동아시아 주요국가와의 FTA 체결을 통한 APEC 무역자유화 목표 달성을 강구하고 있는 것으로 알려져 있어 우리나라가 캐나다, 호주 등 APEC 회원국과의 FTA를 체결하게 되면 미국도 우리나라와의 FTA 체결을 검토할 것으로 보임.

- 본 보고서는 한국이 APEC내에서 FTA를 체결한다면, 가장 바람직한 국가로는 호주, 캐나다 및 뉴질랜드를 들고 있으며, 이들 국가와의 개별 FTA보다는 한국-호주-캐나다 혹은 4개국 FTA가 더 바람직함을 보여주고 있음.
Up until very recently, Korea had maintained a steadfast support of trade liberalization realized only through multilateral means, such as through the WTO and APEC. However, as countries of almost all regions except East Asia have embraced regionalism, Korea has been forced to question its adherence to a view that would see it lose out to the substantial trade diversion of these growing agreements, even though Korea still remains a strong supporter of the WTO. This paper begins with a more detailed analysis of the factors that led to Korea's more open approach to FTAs, culminating in the officially stated intention of exploring a bilateral FTA with Chile. Korea and Chile have concluded preliminary talks and working-level negotiations are expected to begin in 1999. Looking beyond the FTA with Chile, Korea has stated that it is pondering establishing FTAs with Thailand, South Africa, and Turkey. The choice of these countries is part of Korea's strategy to establish an FTA with a country in each continent in order to increase market access around the world. However, this paper takes the position that if Korea seeks for future free trade partners after the establishment of a Korea-Chile FTA, Korea needs to look a new regional trading bloc within APEC. Through extending preferential bilateral FTAs to other APEC economies, Korea's FTA may not only accelerate the trade and investment liberalization of APEC, but also help Korea play a leading role in APEC in the future.

This paper then proceeds to support a view that Korea's next move needs to be the consideration of bilateral FTAs with Australia, New Zealand and Canada or a multilateral FTA encompassing all four countries. While trade with all of these countries would be highly complementary for both sides, the most compelling reason for such a FTA would be its potential for spreading free trade throughout the Asia Pacific region. Along with Chile, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are all APEC members. Such a free trade area would demonstrate the benefits of free trade to regional economies and possibly exert the pressure needed to restart the currently stalled free trade talks of APEC. Such progression would move Korea to the forefront of international trade talks.

Korea's overall position remains one of the pursuit of widening free trade through multilateral agreement. APEC is one potential vehicle through which Korea's goal may be realized. However, currently, efforts to expand APEC trade liberalization appear stalled. This paper takes the stance that one possible approach to reinvigorating free trade under APEC free trade talks is for a group of member economies to spur intra-APEC trade.

The paper evaluates the economic impact of Korea's bilateral and multilateral FTAs with Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. While individual bilateral trade agreements with each country would increase the welfare of Korea, they would also result in an overall increase in Korea's trade deficit. Meanwhile, Korea would likely realize a trade surplus if a multilateral agreement includes all four countries. Furthermore, this four-way multilateral agreement increases Korea's welfare the most. Therefore, this paper concludes that pursuing a multilateral FTA covering all four countries is more in Korea's interest than pursuing bilateral FTAs with each country individually.

Dr. Inkyo Cheong, a Research Fellow of KIEP, earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Michigan State University. He specializes in Korea's FTA policy, economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, international trade policy, and building multi-region, multi-sector computational general equilibrium model (CGE). He wrote several books about Korea's FTA policy and published academic articles on APEC economic cooperation in leading international journals. Corresponding address: 300-4 Yomgok-Dong, Socho-Ku, Seoul 137-800, Korea. Ph. (822) 3460-1208; Fax. (822) 3460-1077; E-mail: ikcheong@kiep.kiep.go.kr
Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Korea's New Embrace of Regionalism

Ⅲ. Korea's Trade Relations with Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
1. Economies of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
2. Korea's Trade Structure with Australia, Canada, and New Zealand

Ⅳ. Simulation Results
1. Bilateral Tariff Removal
2. Multilateral Tariff Removal in the Subregionalism

Ⅴ. Summary and Policy Implications

Korean Abstract


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 60
판매가격 5000 원

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