대외경제정책연구원은 1989년 정부출연 연구기관으로 발족한 이래 우리나라의 세계지역연구를 선도해 왔으며 세계 유수기관과의 협력을 강화하고 있습니다. 연구협력팀은 국내외의 연구자간 교류를 활성화하고 지역연구역량을 강화하고자 2009년도부터 「방문학자 프로그램」을 운영하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 세계 각국의 유수한 학자와 지역연구 전문가를 초청하여 세계 지역에 대한 연구 성과와 정보를 공유함으로써 긴밀한 네트워크를 구축하고 협력 증진을 도모하고자 하는 프로그램입니다. 2016 KIEP Visiting Scholars Program은 그의 일환으로 출간되는 성과물로, 이를 통하여 다양한 학자들의 연구 역량과 견해를 통찰하고자 합니다.
In 2009, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) launched "Visiting Fellows Program (VFP)" with the view of advancing cross-border exchanges of knowledge, information, insights and expertise.
Since its inception, the VFP has demonstrated that sharing thoughts and ideas through face-to-face contacts and dialogue works as a catalyst for enhancing mutual understanding among scholars and professionals with diverse background.
By successfully implementing the VFP for the past 8 years, KIEP has been motivated to assume the role as a hub for international economic research in the region. As a host of the program, KIEP has many mandates. One of those tasks is to let more people know what has been accomplished through the program and how valuable it is.
In an effort to do so, KIEP has published series of research every year. This volume, the 8th of its series, contains eight research papers contributed by 2016 Visiting Fellows.
Publication owes many debts. Here I acknowledge just a few of them. First of all, I must express my deepest gratitude to the 2016 visiting fellows for their outstanding performances. My special thanks also goes to the Outreach Team and the staffs of the KIEP Publishing Team who worked very hard for the publication of this volume.
The views expressed in this publication are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of KIEP. KIEP does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in the publication.
Notes on the Contributors
1. Trade in Value Added and Sino-South Korean Collaboration on Global Value Chains
Monan Zhang
Introduction: GVCs and the Development of TiVA
Policy Impacts and Challenges Posed by TiVA under the Framework of
Conventional Trade
TiVA Statistics Methods and Main Databases in the World
Analysis of Chinese Value-added in GVCs
Trade Competitiveness of China and South Korea in GVCs Analysis
Conclusions and Policy Implications
Supplementary Tables
2. How do the Renminbi and other East Asian Currencies Co-move?
New Evidence from Non-linear Analysis
Benjamin Keddad
Data and Empirical Methodology
Empirical Results
Concluding Remarks
3. Study on the G20’s Transition from the Perspective of China’s Strategy
in Global Economic Governance
Sun Wei
Literature Review
The G20 and its Transition
China’s Expectations on the G20’s Transition and Sino-Korean
Cooperation under the Framework of the G20
4. Comparative Research on Economic Transformation and Economic Reform
between China and South Korea
Zhang Luqin
Characteristics of Economic Restructuring and Economic Reform
in China and South Korea
Comparison between China and South Korea in Economic Transformation
and Economic Reform
What is the Role of Reform in Promoting Economic Transformation and Maintaining
Long-term Economic Development?
Comparative Analysis on SOEs between China and South Korea
Conclusion and Discussion
5. Growth, Structural Change and Spatial Inequality in India:
Some Dimensions of Regional Disparity
Krishnarajapet V. Ramaswamy
Growth, Structural Change and Spatial Inequality
Concluding Remarks
6. Expanding Private Business Space for the Marginalized Social Groups in India:
Challenges for Inclusive Growth
Partha Pratim Sahu
Issues and Reviews
Policies, Programs and Interventions
Enterprise Ownership: The Aggregate Scenario
Ownership Pattern by Type of Enterprise, 2010?11
Performance Differences
7. Development of Key Performance Indicators and Impact Assessment for
R&D Sector in Palestine
Rabeh Morrar
Literature Review
The Main R&D Indicators in Palestine
Methodology and Data
8. World Park Special Status on Some Representative Protected Areas of Mongolia
Oyungerel Baast
Protected Areas of Mongolia
Situations In Protected Areas
Organization of Management and Economic Impact of Protected Areas
분량/크기 | 342 |
판매가격 | 원 |
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