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Working paper What Kinds of Countries Have More Free Trade Partner Countries? 경제개방, 자유무역

저자 허정, 송백훈 발간번호 07-07 자료언어 English 발간일 2007.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,247) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

1990년 중반부터, 지역무역협정의 수는 급속도록 늘어나기 시작했다. 1993년 북미자유무역협정(NAFTA)이 체결되면서 지역무역협정의 중요성이 한층 커졌으며, 1994년 우루과이 라운드가 타결되고 2001년 도하개발아젠다(DDA)가 시작하기 전까지 다자주의협상이 침체되는 등 시대적인 환경 변화도 영향을 주었을 것으로 판단된다. (생략)
According to the WTO data for regional trade agreements (RTA), the number of RTA has been exponentially growing since the middle of the 1990s. As a result, many countries these days have had more than one free trade partner country. In this paper, we attempt to find out statistically important characteristics of countries that may explain the frequency of a country's RTA formations and as a result its total number of free trade partner countries. We find that the following country-specific variables are important: distance from equator, government effectiveness, and the low-middle income group countries
and regional blocs that countries belong to. In contrast, the following variables are not statistically significant: geographical size of country; upper-middle or high-income group countries; languages and other institutional variables such as political aspects and the stability, law, regulation, and national corruption level. The important implication of the findings is that the current expansion of RTAs may not be linked to a global free trade system because of the peculiarity of countries having multiple RTAs. (The rest is omitted.)
Executive Summary

I. Introduction

II. Econometric Model: Count Data Models
1. Poisson Regression Model
2. Negative Binomial Regression Model

III. Data
1. Dependent Variable
2. Geographic Variables
3. Institutional Variables
4. Grouping Variables
5. Control Variables

IV. Main Results
1. Poisson Regression Results
2. Negative Binomial Regression Results

V. Conclusion



분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 30
판매가격 2000 원

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