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Working paper Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Free Trade Agreement between Japan and Korea 자유무역, 환율

저자 신관호, 왕윤종 발간번호 03-11 자료언어 English 발간일 2003.10.25

원문보기(다운로드:1,014) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

본 논문의 실증분석 결과는 환율변동성의 증가가 한일간 교역 및 양국의 대미 교역에 부정적 영향을 미치고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 환율안정이 무역을 신장시키는 효과가 있음을 실증분석의 결과로부터 유추할 수 있음에도 불구하고 최근 한일간 논의되고 있는 자유무역협정의 체결에 있어서 엔/원 환율의 안정성 문제가 충분한 고려되지 못하고 있다. (생략)
In this paper, we empirically analyze how increased exchange rate volatility influences the volume of trade between Japan and Korea and between these two countries and the United States. Our results strongly suggest that the increased exchange rate volatility is negatively related to the trade volume between Japan and Korea and the U.S., Japan and Korea. Despite the evidence that exchange rate stability promotes trade, the discussions on the Japan-Korea FTA are proceeding without emphasis on exchange rate coordination. While the EU integration process was fortified initially by exchange rate coordination and later by the introduction of a monetary union, NAFTA presents a contrasting case of pure trade integration without monetary cooperation. The crucial elements in EU that facilitated monetary cooperation were: a large trade share among involved countries and strong political will from member countries. As the Japan-Korea trade integration process, at least in isolation, lacks both elements, it is not likely that any explicit monetary or exchange rate coordination will naturally arise.
I. Introduction

II. Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Trade

III. Data and Statistical Properties

IV. Empirical Results

V. Does the Japan-Korea FTA Need Exchange Rate Coordination?

VI. Conclusion


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 61
판매가격 5000 원

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