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Working paper The Effect of Labor Market Institutions on FDI Inflows 노동시장, 외국인직접투자

저자 이창수 발간번호 03-09 자료언어 English 발간일 2003.10.15

원문보기(다운로드:880) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

본 연구는 고용보호입법 (EPL)의 강화 (노동 경직성 강화), 단체교섭구조 (집중화 및 조응 정도) 및 기타 노동시장 변수 (노조조직률, 쟁의정도, 노동과세)가 외국인직접투자에 미치는 영향에 대하여 분석한다. 29개 OECD 국가를 대상으로한 실증분석에 따르면 고용보호입법의 강화로 노동시장의 경직성이 큰 국가일수록 외국인 직접투자의 유입비중이 낮은 것으로 판명되었다. (생략)
This study examines the impact of strengthening employment protection legislation, the structure of collective bargaining (centralization and coordination) and other labor market variables (national levels of unionization, strike levels and tax wedges on labor income) on a country's FDI inflows. Examining 29 OECD nations, our statistical analysis shows that strict EPL, which increases labor market rigidity, is usually associated with lower levels of FDI shares. Japanese investors are more sensitive to employment protection measures in choosing destinations for FDI than others. A 1-percentage-point increase in EPL causes a decrease of about 4.2 percent to Japan's FDI share, compared to the decrease of 2.2 percent that results in the worldwide share. Finally, we discuss the implications of the recent employment protection policies in Korea that focus only on the interests of 'inside' labor, reducing FDI inflows as well as neglecting the interests of 'outside' labor (unemployed and future labor). Thus, policies for spending on outside labor and promoting entrepreneurship are necessary for national welfare to increase.
I. Introduction

II. Labor Market Institutions and Economic Outcomes

III. The Effects of Labor Market Instututions on FDI Inflows

IV. Implications and Discussions

Appendix I. Correlation Matrix

Appendix II. Employment Protection Legislation Index


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 59
판매가격 5000 원

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