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연구보고서 DDA 무역과 개발 분야의 논의동향과 대응방안 다자간협상

저자 남상열, 권율 발간번호 02-07 자료언어 Korean 발간일 2002.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:777) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

(약 400자) 본 보고서는 도하라운드에서 관심대상분야로 새로이 부각된 무역과 개발분야의 다자간 논의동향을 분석하여 주요 쟁점을 정리하고, 한국의 대응방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 도하라운드에서 논의가 개도국 특별우대조치에 집중되고 있기 때문에 다자간 무역규범에서의 무역과 개발문제를 중심으로 회원국들의 제안내용 및 한국의 입장 등을 정리하였다. 또한, 다자무역체제의 안정과 세계경제의 동반성장을 위해 실천적인 조치로서 요구되는 개발원조문제에 대해 논의동향 및 주요 쟁점을 중심으로 정리하였다. 이와 함께 WTO 사무국이 작성한 WTO 협정 및 결정별 개도국 특별우대조항들의 분석 및 활용에 관한 문건과 2002년중 무역과 개발위원회의 특별회의에 제출되어 논의된 20개 제안서의 주요내용을 참고자료로 정리하였다. 이들을 바탕으로 향후 논의의 전망과 함께 주요 쟁점별로 한국의 대응방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. (생략)
An Assessment of Trade and Development Issues in the Doha RoundSang-yirl Nam and Yul Kwon
This report reviews the multilateral issues and discussions in the trade and development area of the Doha Round and offers suggestions on what position the Korean government should take. Since the discussions in the Doha Round have concentrated on the Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) provisions in the various WTO agreements and decisions, we focused on issues related to the SDT provisions in terms of trade and development. A wide gap between developed and developing countries can be observed in the discussions of the Doha Round. Developing countries, especially least developed countries, have made various proposals aimed at strengthening and clarifying the SDT provisions, as well as making them more efficient and operational-. In contrast, developed countries have emphasized the overall balance between rights and obligations in the multilateral trade system, and the need for developing countries to take an active role. However, while stressing the importance of establishing comprehensive and common rules on SDT provisions, they neglect to respond to the concrete proposals of developing countries on each SDT provision. Korea's position will be closer to that of the developed countries, in that the overall balance between rights and obligations in the multilateral trade system will be emphasized. However, Korea must maintain its position as a developing country on several sensitive and important issues, especially on topics such as the agricultural and environmental sectors. For that purpose Korea will have to persuade member countries by preparing and offering objective materials explaining its situation in those areas. Besides, Korea can contribute to the Doha negotiation process by submitting proposals on, for example, substantial enlargement of the products subject to preferential treatment for the least developed countries, the general purpose and principles applied to the SDT provisions, and on the development of further discussions in these areas. In addition, it will be important to enhance Korea's role in economic cooperation with developing countries, especially in terms of Official Development Assistance (ODA). It is time to establish a basic framework for development assistance so that the complementary basis of economic cooperation with those countries can be enlarged. For that purpose it is important for Korea to increase its ODA contributions and to make an effort to join the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD.
By the end of 2002, the Committee on Trade and Development failed to reach a conclusion in its discussions on the SDT provisions. The discussions will have to be continued over 2003, and it is hoped some results on the objectives, function, and structure of the monitoring mechanism on SDT provisions can be achieved by the fifth ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico in September. For the specific issues of the agreement, a realistic target may be to establish comprehensive and common rules applicable to the various SDT provisions, to classify them by their characteristics, and to determine the order of priorities before the fifth ministerial. Based on the results, practical progress can be achieved after the ministerial meeting by cooperating with other committees and subsidiary bodies of the WTO.
제1장 서론
1. 개요

제2장 다자간 협상에서 무역과 개발문제의 논의 경과
1. 개도국들의 세계무역에의 참여
2. 개도국과 다자무역규범- DDA 이전의 논의
3. 개도국과 다자무역규범- DDA에서의 논의

제3장 개도국우대 관련 다자간 무역규범
1. 개요
2. SDT 조항 개관
3. WTO 협정 및 결정별 SDT 조항과 제안

제4장 개발원조문제의 논의동향
1. 개발협력정책의 주요방향
2. 주요쟁점 및 협력이슈
3. 최빈개도국 지원문제

제5장 향후 전망 및 한국의 대응
1. 향후 전망
2. 한국에 미칠 영향
3. 대응방안


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