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연구자료 Korean Crisis and Recovery 금융위기

저자 김세직, David T. Coe Edit 발간번호 02-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2002.09.30

원문보기(다운로드:876) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

이 책은 1997년 말 불어닥친, 한국 산업화 이후 최악의 경제위기 및 이를 극복하기 위해 한국이 IMF프로그램아래 실시한 여러 경제정책들에 대한 최초의 본격적인 평가서이다. 이 책이 나오게 된 배경, 과정 및 취지는 다음과 같다. (생략)
Four years after the outbreak of the Asian economic crisis and three and one-half years after the beginning of the IMF program with Korea, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) jointly sponsored a conference on the Korean crisis and recovery. The conference was held at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul on May 17-19, 2001.The objective of the conference was to distill lessons from the Korean economic crisis and recovery, and the policies adopted by the government with support from the international community. The timing of the conference, coming after the three-year Stand-By Arrangement with the IMF ended on December 2, 2000, and following two years of remarkable economic recovery from the crisis, seemed appropriate for such an assessment. The conference brought together Korean and non-Korean economists with Korean policymakers and IMF and World Bank staff, some of whom were involved in designing and implementing the Korean program. Holding the conference in Seoul, with broadly equal participation by Koreans and non-Koreans, was considered essential to ensure that Korean perspectives on the crisis were well represented.



Contributors and Participants

1. Introduction / David T. Coe and Kim, Se-Jik

2. From Crisis to Recovery in Korea: Strategy, Achievements, and Lessons / Ajai Chopra, Kenneth Kang, Meral Karasulu, Hong Liang, Henry Ma, and Anthony Richards

3. What Have We Learned from the Korean Economic Adjustment Program? / Cho, Yoon Je

Comments on Papers 2 and 3
Barry Eichengreen
Lee, Jang-Yung

4. New Evidence on High Interest Rate Policy During the Korean Crisis / Chung, Chae-Shick ; Kim, Se-Jik

5. Falling Profitability, Higher Borrowing Costs, and Chaebol Finances During the Korean Crisis / Anne O. Krueger ; Yoo, Jungho

Comments on Papers 4 and 5
Chung, Myung-Chang
Bijan B. Aghevli

6. Corporate Restructuring and Reform : Lessons from Korea / William P. Mako

7. The Role of Corporate Bond Markets in the Korean Financial Restructuring Process / Gyutaeg Oh and Changyong Rhee

Comments on Papers 6 and 7
Simon Johnson
Cho, Won-Dong

8. The Korean Labor Market : The Crisis and After / Kim, Dae Il

9. Corporate Governance and Corporate Debt in Asian Crisis Countries / Eric Friedman, Simon Johnson, and Todd Mitton

Comments on Papers 8 and 9
Jang, Hasung
Zia Qureshi

10. Economic Growth in East Asia Before and After the Financial Crisis / Robert J. Barro

11. Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia / Park, Yung Chul ; Lee, Jong-Wha

Comments on Papers 10 and 11
Charles Adams
Kim, Yong Jin

12. Restructuring Korean Banks' Short-Term Debts / Kim, Woochan ; Byeon, Yangho

13. Strengthening the International Financial Architecture : Open Issues, Asian Concerns / Barry Eichengreen

14. A Framework for Exchange Rate Policy in Korea / Michael Dooley; Rudi Dornbusch ; Park, Yung Chul

Comments on Papers 12,13, and 14
Anne O. Krueger
Kim, Jun Il

Conference Program


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판매가격 30000 원

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