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David T. Coe Edit

  • Korean Crisis and Recovery

    이 책은 1997년 말 불어닥친, 한국 산업화 이후 최악의 경제위기 및 이를 극복하기 위해 한국이 IMF프로그램아래 실시한 여러 경제정책들에 대한 최초의 본격적인 평가서이다. 이 책이 나오게 된 배경, 과정 및 취지는 다음과 같다. (생략)

    김세직 외 발간일 2002.09.30






    Contributors and Participants

    1. Introduction / David T. Coe and Kim, Se-Jik

    2. From Crisis to Recovery in Korea: Strategy, Achievements, and Lessons / Ajai Chopra, Kenneth Kang, Meral Karasulu, Hong Liang, Henry Ma, and Anthony Richards

    3. What Have We Learned from the Korean Economic Adjustment Program? / Cho, Yoon Je

    Comments on Papers 2 and 3
    Barry Eichengreen
    Lee, Jang-Yung

    4. New Evidence on High Interest Rate Policy During the Korean Crisis / Chung, Chae-Shick ; Kim, Se-Jik

    5. Falling Profitability, Higher Borrowing Costs, and Chaebol Finances During the Korean Crisis / Anne O. Krueger ; Yoo, Jungho

    Comments on Papers 4 and 5
    Chung, Myung-Chang
    Bijan B. Aghevli

    6. Corporate Restructuring and Reform : Lessons from Korea / William P. Mako

    7. The Role of Corporate Bond Markets in the Korean Financial Restructuring Process / Gyutaeg Oh and Changyong Rhee

    Comments on Papers 6 and 7
    Simon Johnson
    Cho, Won-Dong

    8. The Korean Labor Market : The Crisis and After / Kim, Dae Il

    9. Corporate Governance and Corporate Debt in Asian Crisis Countries / Eric Friedman, Simon Johnson, and Todd Mitton

    Comments on Papers 8 and 9
    Jang, Hasung
    Zia Qureshi

    10. Economic Growth in East Asia Before and After the Financial Crisis / Robert J. Barro

    11. Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia / Park, Yung Chul ; Lee, Jong-Wha

    Comments on Papers 10 and 11
    Charles Adams
    Kim, Yong Jin

    12. Restructuring Korean Banks' Short-Term Debts / Kim, Woochan ; Byeon, Yangho

    13. Strengthening the International Financial Architecture : Open Issues, Asian Concerns / Barry Eichengreen

    14. A Framework for Exchange Rate Policy in Korea / Michael Dooley; Rudi Dornbusch ; Park, Yung Chul

    Comments on Papers 12,13, and 14
    Anne O. Krueger
    Kim, Jun Il

    Conference Program
    이 책은 1997년 말 불어닥친, 한국 산업화 이후 최악의 경제위기 및 이를 극복하기 위해 한국이 IMF프로그램아래 실시한 여러 경제정책들에 대한 최초의 본격적인 평가서이다. 이 책이 나오게 된 배경, 과정 및 취지는 다음과 같다. (생략)
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