한국은 1997년 외환위기 이후 금융서비스의 자유화에 관한 주요 조치들을 시행하였다. 은행부문의 경우 비록 국경간 거래는 완전히 개방이 되지 않았지만, 상업적 주재와 관련하여 외국은행은 1998년 3월부터 국내에 현지 법인을 가질 수 있게 되었다. 또한 외국인은 국내은행의 지분을 100% 보유할 수 있게 되었고 이사진으로 참여하여 국내은행을 경영할 수 있게 되었다. 또한 부실금융기관의 해외매각 추진으로 국내금융기관의 외국인 지분참여가 이루어지고 있다. 최근 외국 금융기관들의 기존 사무소나 지점 외에 합작 및 지분참여 등으로 국내 시장점유율이 증가하는 추세이다. 이는 외국계 금융기관의 안전성에 대한 신뢰제고, 선진 투자기법 적용, 다양한 서비스 제공 등이 효율적으로 이루어지고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 다른 신흥시장국과 외국인 소유지분을 비교해 보면, 한국은 남미국가들 보다는 낮으나, 말레이지아나 태국보다는 높다. (생략)
Since the 1990s, the international financial environment has fast changed in terms of globalization, diversification, deregulation and innovation. The development of information and telecommunications technology has led banking institutions to shift from the traditional lending and borrowing activities to multi-financial projects and development of new financial products. Financial engineering has generated various derivatives and international financial transactions have, thereby, been diversified, with the loosening various restrictions on the financial industry.
The banking system plays a key role in the functioning of a market economy. How well developed an economys banking system is seems to have an important bearing on resource allocation and growth. The Asian crisis in the late 1990s was a financial crisis as well as a currency crisis. Financial development is thus a very important and urgent task for Korea and other crisis-stricken Asian countries. Banking services, while an interesting subject in its own right, deserves close attention from this point of view.
This paper discusses the liberalization of banking service and its impact on the Korean economy. Its focus is on banking services, as banks occupy the central position in the financial sector. Our goal is to provide the useful implication on three main questions in Korea. First, when foreign bank participates in domestic market, is there gain from better monitoring? And second, we are to ask whether lending behaviors of foreign banks in Korea were different from Korean banks over business cycles. Also, third, is the presence of foreign bank increase profit of domestic banks?
From the regression analysis, first, we tentatively argue that foreign banks in Korea were not providing the monitoring role to Korean banks. Second, it is interesting to note that for foreign banks, foreign currency loans did not show any cyclical properties while for Korean banks, it was domestic currency loans. It suggests that foreign banks provided a stabilizing role as far as foreign currency loan is concerned. In addition, we also tested how the foreign banks' penetration into the domestic banking industry affect domestic banks' profitability. As a measure of foreign penetration we used the asset share and deposit share as well as number share. In all cases, the foreign penetration reduced the domestic bank's profitability. We think that foreign bank entry made the domestic banking industry more competitive and less profitable.
However, it would be too hasty to conclude that the liberalization does not provide benefits. Unless they become fair and transparent so that information gathering, credit assessment, risk management, and so on may be the essential part of financial intermediation, it seems that the liberalization cannot deliver the potential benefits.
The banking system plays a key role in the functioning of a market economy. How well developed an economys banking system is seems to have an important bearing on resource allocation and growth. The Asian crisis in the late 1990s was a financial crisis as well as a currency crisis. Financial development is thus a very important and urgent task for Korea and other crisis-stricken Asian countries. Banking services, while an interesting subject in its own right, deserves close attention from this point of view.
This paper discusses the liberalization of banking service and its impact on the Korean economy. Its focus is on banking services, as banks occupy the central position in the financial sector. Our goal is to provide the useful implication on three main questions in Korea. First, when foreign bank participates in domestic market, is there gain from better monitoring? And second, we are to ask whether lending behaviors of foreign banks in Korea were different from Korean banks over business cycles. Also, third, is the presence of foreign bank increase profit of domestic banks?
From the regression analysis, first, we tentatively argue that foreign banks in Korea were not providing the monitoring role to Korean banks. Second, it is interesting to note that for foreign banks, foreign currency loans did not show any cyclical properties while for Korean banks, it was domestic currency loans. It suggests that foreign banks provided a stabilizing role as far as foreign currency loan is concerned. In addition, we also tested how the foreign banks' penetration into the domestic banking industry affect domestic banks' profitability. As a measure of foreign penetration we used the asset share and deposit share as well as number share. In all cases, the foreign penetration reduced the domestic bank's profitability. We think that foreign bank entry made the domestic banking industry more competitive and less profitable.
However, it would be too hasty to conclude that the liberalization does not provide benefits. Unless they become fair and transparent so that information gathering, credit assessment, risk management, and so on may be the essential part of financial intermediation, it seems that the liberalization cannot deliver the potential benefits.
I. 서론
II. 한국의 은행서비스 개방 추이
1. 외환위기 이전
2. 외환위기 이후
3. 은행서비스 부문의 잔존 규제의 현황
4. 신흥시장국에 대한 외국은행 진출 현황
III. 한국내 외국은행의 특징
1. 국내은행과 외국은행의 특징
2. 외국은행의 자산 및 부채구성의 특징
3. 평가
IV. 한국내 외국은행 진입의 효과
1. 일반적 논의
2. 외국은행의 모니터링
3. 외국은행 여신의 경기적 특징
4. 금융부문 시장구조와 외국은행의 진입
5. 외국은행 진입의 국내은행 영향에 대한 설문조사
V. 결론 및 시사점
<부록 I> 금융시장의 규제완화
<부록 II> 금융서비스 자유화
<부록 III> 예금은행 및 외국은행 국내지점 계정
<부록 IV> 국내은행 및 외국은행의 비교
<부록 V> 설문조사서
II. 한국의 은행서비스 개방 추이
1. 외환위기 이전
2. 외환위기 이후
3. 은행서비스 부문의 잔존 규제의 현황
4. 신흥시장국에 대한 외국은행 진출 현황
III. 한국내 외국은행의 특징
1. 국내은행과 외국은행의 특징
2. 외국은행의 자산 및 부채구성의 특징
3. 평가
IV. 한국내 외국은행 진입의 효과
1. 일반적 논의
2. 외국은행의 모니터링
3. 외국은행 여신의 경기적 특징
4. 금융부문 시장구조와 외국은행의 진입
5. 외국은행 진입의 국내은행 영향에 대한 설문조사
V. 결론 및 시사점
<부록 I> 금융시장의 규제완화
<부록 II> 금융서비스 자유화
<부록 III> 예금은행 및 외국은행 국내지점 계정
<부록 IV> 국내은행 및 외국은행의 비교
<부록 V> 설문조사서
분량/크기 | 200 |
판매가격 | 7000 원 |
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대외경제정책연구원의 본 공공저작물은 "공공누리 제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 금지 + 변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 저작권정책 참조
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