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Policy Analysis Capital Account Liberalization and Macroeconomic Performance: The Case of Korea 금융자유화, 자본시장

저자 왕윤종, 김성현, 김소영 발간번호 01-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2001.10.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,060) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

한국의 자본자유화에 대한 거시경제적 평가

□ 다음은 대외경제정책연구원이 발간하는 『Capital Account Liberalization and Macroeconomic Performance: The Case of Korea』(김소영 일리노이주립대, 김성현 Tufts대, 왕윤종 대외경제정책연구원 국제거시금융실 연구위원 共著, 2001.10)의 주요 내용을 국문으로 요약한 것임. (생략)
Chapter I. Introduction
Many emerging market economies have relaxed and removed statutory restrictions on capital account transactions and liberalized domestic financial markets to capture the benefits of capital inflows. However, in a number of cases, capital account liberalization and ensuing capital surges seem to be associated with financial crises. While capital account liberalization does not necessarily lead to financial crisis, it is true that high capital mobility can easily drive an emerging economy to be more vulnerable to outside shocks by complicating its macroeconomic management. (The rest is omitted.)
I. Introduction

II.Literature Survey
1. Effects of Capital Account Liberalization on Cross-Border Capital Flows
2. Benefits and Costs of Capital Account Liberalization
3. Optimal Sequence of Capital Account Liberalization
4. Capital Account Liberalization versus Capital Controls
5. Macroeconomic Effects of Capital Account Liberalization
6. The Effectiveness of Sterilized Intervention
7. Effects on Equity Markets

III. Capital Account Liberalization Policy in Korea
1. Liberalization in the 1980s
2. Liberalization in the 1990s Prior to the Crisis
3. IMF Program and Further Liberalization

IV.Trends in Capital Flows to Korea and Macroeconomic Performance: Stylized
1. Characteristics of Capital Flows in Korea
2. Macroeconomic Variables
3. Price Variables
4. Boom Bust Cycles
5. Sterilization Policy

V. Empirical Analysis
1. Vector Auto-Regression Model
2. The Nature of Capital Flows
3. Basic Model
4. Capital Flows Shocks in the 1980s and 1990s
5. Effects of Capital Account Liberalization
6. Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Sterilization Policy
7. Estimations Based on Monthly Data

VI. Capital Account Liberalization and Financial Crisis in Korea
1. Effects on Domestic Fundamentals
2. Effects on Contagion
3. Comparison with the European Crisis in 1992

VII. Lessons and Policy Implications
1. Strengthening Prudential Regulation and Supervision
2. Strengthening Corporate Governance
3. Promoting Inward Foreign Direct Investment
4. Getting the Exchange Rates Right
5. Getting the Sequencing Right


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 200
판매가격 7000 원

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