Working paper
Restructuring and the Role of International Financial Institutions : A Korean View
저자 왕윤종 발간번호 99-06 자료언어 English 발간일 1999.06.20
한국정부가 1997년 12월 3일 IMF 구조조정 프로그램에 합의한 이후, 한국은 전례없이 신속하게 금융, 기업, 공공부문, 노동시장 등 광범위한 영역에 걸쳐 구조조정 작업에 착수하였다. 구조조정을 위한 모든 조치들은 경제체질을 개선하기 위한 것이었으며, 아울러 대외신인도를 향상시키기 위한 것이었다. 그 결과 지금까지 한국이 취한 구조조정은 조금씩 성과를 보이기 시작했다. 경제가 금년 들어 빠른 회복세를 보이고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 국제신용평가기관들도 일제히 한국의 국가신용등급을 투자부적격에서 투자적격으로 상향조정하였다. 이는 지금까지 한국이 보여준 구조조정조치 뿐만 아니라, 향후 한국이 지속적으로 경제체질을 개선하는데 매진할 것이라는 확신에 기인하고 있다.
본고의 목적은 한국의 구조조정 프로그램과 그 이행과정을 살펴봄으로써 국제금융기구의 역할을 논의하는데 있다. 한국의 위기관리 경험에 비추어 볼 때, 네가지 논점이 제기될 수 있다. 첫째, 아시아 금융위기의 원인과 진단에 관한 것으로 아시아 금융위기가 과연 아시아 국가의 구조적 결함에 기인하는 것인지, 아니면 국제금융시장에 내재되어 있는 취약성에 기인하는 것인가의 문제이다. 둘째, 아시아 금융위기는 IMF 지원프로그램에 구조조정에 관련된 조치들이 포함되어야 하는가의 논쟁을 야기시켰다. 아시아 금융위기는 개별 국가의 구조적 결함과 국제금융체제의 내재적 취약성에 기인한다는 점에서 진정한 의미에서 위기를 극복하기 위해서는 이 두가지 문제를 해결해야 할 것이다. 따라서 국제적 차원에서 국제금융체제의 개선을 위한 작업이 진행되어야 하며, 아울러 개별국가의 차원에서 성공적인 구조조정이 완결되지 않고서는 위기는 결코 극복될 수 없다. 셋째, 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원은 긴급한 위기를 극복하는 데 충분하지 않다. 이러한 제약하에서 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원이 과연 추가적인 외자유입을 촉진시키는 촉매작용을 하는지 여부가 중요하다. 한국의 경험에 비추어 볼 때, 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원 그 자체보다는 위기 당사국이 과연 얼마만큼 외국인 투자자들에게 신뢰받을 수 있도록 구조조정 프로그램을 실천하느냐가 중요하다는 교훈을 배울 수 있었다. 마지막으로 국제금융기구의 최후의 대부자 역할은 아직도 논쟁의 대상이 되고 있을 뿐 단기간에 가시적인 합의가 도출될 것으로 보이지는 않는다. 다만 IMF의 신용공급기능이 확대되고 있다는 측면에서 최후의 대부자로서의 역할이 증진되고 있음을 알 수 있다.
본고의 목적은 한국의 구조조정 프로그램과 그 이행과정을 살펴봄으로써 국제금융기구의 역할을 논의하는데 있다. 한국의 위기관리 경험에 비추어 볼 때, 네가지 논점이 제기될 수 있다. 첫째, 아시아 금융위기의 원인과 진단에 관한 것으로 아시아 금융위기가 과연 아시아 국가의 구조적 결함에 기인하는 것인지, 아니면 국제금융시장에 내재되어 있는 취약성에 기인하는 것인가의 문제이다. 둘째, 아시아 금융위기는 IMF 지원프로그램에 구조조정에 관련된 조치들이 포함되어야 하는가의 논쟁을 야기시켰다. 아시아 금융위기는 개별 국가의 구조적 결함과 국제금융체제의 내재적 취약성에 기인한다는 점에서 진정한 의미에서 위기를 극복하기 위해서는 이 두가지 문제를 해결해야 할 것이다. 따라서 국제적 차원에서 국제금융체제의 개선을 위한 작업이 진행되어야 하며, 아울러 개별국가의 차원에서 성공적인 구조조정이 완결되지 않고서는 위기는 결코 극복될 수 없다. 셋째, 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원은 긴급한 위기를 극복하는 데 충분하지 않다. 이러한 제약하에서 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원이 과연 추가적인 외자유입을 촉진시키는 촉매작용을 하는지 여부가 중요하다. 한국의 경험에 비추어 볼 때, 국제금융기구의 유동성 지원 그 자체보다는 위기 당사국이 과연 얼마만큼 외국인 투자자들에게 신뢰받을 수 있도록 구조조정 프로그램을 실천하느냐가 중요하다는 교훈을 배울 수 있었다. 마지막으로 국제금융기구의 최후의 대부자 역할은 아직도 논쟁의 대상이 되고 있을 뿐 단기간에 가시적인 합의가 도출될 것으로 보이지는 않는다. 다만 IMF의 신용공급기능이 확대되고 있다는 측면에서 최후의 대부자로서의 역할이 증진되고 있음을 알 수 있다.
Since the agreement on the IMF restructuring program, Korea has swiftly implemented a wide range of economic reform measures. All of the measures have been driven towards rebuilding market confidence as well as expediting the economic restructuring. Although foreign sentiment relates that Korea's restructuring process is moving toward the right direction but slowly, Korea deserves much credit for its recovery and reform efforts so far made, as it has come up with solid results. The international credit rating agencies have each upgraded Korea's sovereign credit rating from non-investment to investment, and it is among the evidences, which purport to show that Korea has been committed and will continue to commit itself to changes and improvement.
In retrospect, we can draw some lessons about the role of international financial institutions (IFIs). Certainly, the key question is whether the diagnosis of the IMF was correct and the policy prescription of the IMF was relevant and effective. Regarding such diagnosis, a balanced view regarding the root of the Asian crisis is needed. The amount of research and policy papers pouring out since the onset of the Asian crisis is understandably great, with the differing views leading to different policy implications. Academics have greater liberty to choose among different economic models or theories on which to base their views. However, policy makers have to be more cautious in implementing the policy measures by taking into account the reality and relevance of all findings and views.
The fundamental difference among the academic circles may be divided into two camps for the sake of simplicity. One camp, which focuses on the liquidity shortage of the Asian countries, emphasizes the vulnerability of the international financial market and the skittish behavior of international investors and creditors as a major triggering factor in the outbreak of the crisis. In this light, expanded financial support facilities through the IFIs, orderly capital market liberalization, and safeguards in the case of emergency could be relevant policy proposals for building the new international financial architecture. In addition, this view holds that the high interest rate policy and/or other austerity programs should be reconsidered as those policy measures may aggravate the situation rather than improve credibility in the eyes of international investors.
The other camp, which focuses on structural weakness of the country in question, and, in particular, the moral hazard problem in both the corporate and financial sectors, stresses the necessity of restructuring and growth sustainability based upon a sound economic system. In the international dimension, the practice of bailing-out international private creditors with international public funds or government debt payment guarantees has created a serious moral hazard problem. In this regard, a pre-established program for international debt workouts would help to shape market expectation in advance and thereby would reduce uncertainty in times of crisis.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of international financial institutions by reviewing Korea's restructuring program and its process. Based on Korea's experience of crisis management, this paper will address four issues. First, this paper will discuss the key question of whether the root of the Asian crisis should be attributed to regional structural weakness, or must be understood in the context of inherent vulnerability of the global financial market. Second, the Asian crisis has ignited a lively debate on the necessity of the inclusion of a restructuring program in the IMF rescue package. Because both internal structural weakness and external factors combined together have caused the Asian crisis, overcoming the crisis in the true sense will not be achieved without a successful completion of restructuring. Third, as the liquidity provision by the IFIs is alone insufficient to resolve the immediate crisis, we will ask if there is a catalytic effect of lending by the IFIs. In light of Korea's experience, the credibility and capital inflows are largely associated with the perceived strength of commitment of the government to economic restructuring rather than IFI involvement per se. Finally, a short remark will be made on the necessity of an international lender of last resort.
Dr. Yunjong Wang, Director of Department of Global Economy, earned his Ph.D in Economics from Yale University. He specializes in international economics, both trade and finance. Currently, his interest covers financial cooperation in Northeast Asia, Korea's exchange rate markets and policy, and Korea's restructuring process under the IMF and IBRD program. Corresponding address: 300-4 Yomgok-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul 137-747, Korea. Tel. (822) 3460-1124; Fax. (822) 3460-1212, E-mail: yjwang@kiep.kiep.go.kr.
In retrospect, we can draw some lessons about the role of international financial institutions (IFIs). Certainly, the key question is whether the diagnosis of the IMF was correct and the policy prescription of the IMF was relevant and effective. Regarding such diagnosis, a balanced view regarding the root of the Asian crisis is needed. The amount of research and policy papers pouring out since the onset of the Asian crisis is understandably great, with the differing views leading to different policy implications. Academics have greater liberty to choose among different economic models or theories on which to base their views. However, policy makers have to be more cautious in implementing the policy measures by taking into account the reality and relevance of all findings and views.
The fundamental difference among the academic circles may be divided into two camps for the sake of simplicity. One camp, which focuses on the liquidity shortage of the Asian countries, emphasizes the vulnerability of the international financial market and the skittish behavior of international investors and creditors as a major triggering factor in the outbreak of the crisis. In this light, expanded financial support facilities through the IFIs, orderly capital market liberalization, and safeguards in the case of emergency could be relevant policy proposals for building the new international financial architecture. In addition, this view holds that the high interest rate policy and/or other austerity programs should be reconsidered as those policy measures may aggravate the situation rather than improve credibility in the eyes of international investors.
The other camp, which focuses on structural weakness of the country in question, and, in particular, the moral hazard problem in both the corporate and financial sectors, stresses the necessity of restructuring and growth sustainability based upon a sound economic system. In the international dimension, the practice of bailing-out international private creditors with international public funds or government debt payment guarantees has created a serious moral hazard problem. In this regard, a pre-established program for international debt workouts would help to shape market expectation in advance and thereby would reduce uncertainty in times of crisis.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of international financial institutions by reviewing Korea's restructuring program and its process. Based on Korea's experience of crisis management, this paper will address four issues. First, this paper will discuss the key question of whether the root of the Asian crisis should be attributed to regional structural weakness, or must be understood in the context of inherent vulnerability of the global financial market. Second, the Asian crisis has ignited a lively debate on the necessity of the inclusion of a restructuring program in the IMF rescue package. Because both internal structural weakness and external factors combined together have caused the Asian crisis, overcoming the crisis in the true sense will not be achieved without a successful completion of restructuring. Third, as the liquidity provision by the IFIs is alone insufficient to resolve the immediate crisis, we will ask if there is a catalytic effect of lending by the IFIs. In light of Korea's experience, the credibility and capital inflows are largely associated with the perceived strength of commitment of the government to economic restructuring rather than IFI involvement per se. Finally, a short remark will be made on the necessity of an international lender of last resort.
Dr. Yunjong Wang, Director of Department of Global Economy, earned his Ph.D in Economics from Yale University. He specializes in international economics, both trade and finance. Currently, his interest covers financial cooperation in Northeast Asia, Korea's exchange rate markets and policy, and Korea's restructuring process under the IMF and IBRD program. Corresponding address: 300-4 Yomgok-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul 137-747, Korea. Tel. (822) 3460-1124; Fax. (822) 3460-1212, E-mail: yjwang@kiep.kiep.go.kr.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Nature of Fund Support by the IFIs
Ⅲ. Conditionalities of the Restructuring Program
Ⅳ. The Content of the Restructuring Program
1. Financial Restructuring
2. Corporate Restructuring
3. Public Sector Reform
4. Labor Market Reform and Improving Social Safety Net
Ⅴ. Reform Gains Momentum: Do we need a further restructuring?
Ⅵ. The Role of International Financial Institutions
1. Diagnosis of the Crisis
2. Do We Need a Restructuring as in the IMF Conditionalities?
3. Is there a Catalytic Effect of Lending by International Financial
4. Do we need an international lender of last resort?
Ⅱ. The Nature of Fund Support by the IFIs
Ⅲ. Conditionalities of the Restructuring Program
Ⅳ. The Content of the Restructuring Program
1. Financial Restructuring
2. Corporate Restructuring
3. Public Sector Reform
4. Labor Market Reform and Improving Social Safety Net
Ⅴ. Reform Gains Momentum: Do we need a further restructuring?
Ⅵ. The Role of International Financial Institutions
1. Diagnosis of the Crisis
2. Do We Need a Restructuring as in the IMF Conditionalities?
3. Is there a Catalytic Effect of Lending by International Financial
4. Do we need an international lender of last resort?
분량/크기 | 66 |
판매가격 | 5000 원 |
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