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Working paper How Does Protectionist Trade Policy Interact with FDI? 반덤핑제도, 해외직접투자

저자 김종덕, 조문희 발간번호 19-10 자료언어 English 발간일 2019.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:4,529) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

In this study, we investigate the question whether importing countries’ implementation of protective trade measures, such as antidumping duties, leads to changes in foreign direct investment from trading partners. That is, we examine the prevalence of “ADP-jumping FDI” across countries. We use more recent and organized non-tariff measure data provided by the WTO I-TIP and Ghodsi et al. (2017), which can be matched with other trade-related variables. Using econometrically sensible identification strategies, the Tobit and the Heckman two-stage selection models, we find out that ADP-jumping FDI to importing countries prevails rather consistently around the world. These results are also consistent with those using Poisson and linear fixed effects models.

In this study, we investigate the question whether importing countries’ implementation of protective trade measures, such as antidumping duties, leads to changes in foreign direct investment from trading partners. That is, we examine the prevalence of “ADP-jumping FDI” across countries. We use more recent and organized non-tariff measure data provided by the WTO I-TIP and Ghodsi et al. (2017), which can be matched with other trade-related variables. Using econometrically sensible identification strategies, the Tobit and the Heckman two-stage selection models, we find out that ADP-jumping FDI to importing countries prevails rather consistently around the world. These results are also consistent with those using Poisson and linear fixed effects models.

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Analysis

2-1. Identification Strategy

2-2. Data

3. Results

3-1. Import-restricting Measures

3-2. Antidumping Measure as an FDI Determinant

3-3. Robustness Check

4. Concluding Remarks




분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 34
판매가격 3,000 원

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