APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Trends and Implications in Recent Oil and Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide: Focusing on Major Producers and Consumers
- 저자 Jin-young Moon, Yun-ok Kim, Seuk-hoon Baik
- 발간일2013-01-28
1. Trends in the Oil Demand and Supplies Worldwide
2. Trends in the Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide
3. Implications for Korea
A. Securing Stable Energy Supply from Diverse Sources
B. Implementing Energy-Efficient Policies and Enhancing Support for R&D
C. Ensuring the Consistency of Energy Policies
D. Cutting Down Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Increasing Gas Consumption
* This report is a summary and translation of article in <KIEP 오늘의 세계경제> 13-01.
WEU-13-04.pdf (513.91KB / 다운로드 738회)

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