APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Jin-young Moon
Mobilizing New Climate Finance: Global Perspectives and Korea’s Approach
The article conducted an analysis of global climate finance discussions and mobilization efforts, cases of climate finance-related strategies and policies by major countries, and strategies for promoting the use of private climate..
Jin-Young MOON 외 작성일 2025.01.07 조회수 97,992
Ensuring Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality: Implications for Korea
The international community faces two major challenges: securing stable energy supplies and achieving carbon neutrality. Concerns about energy security that aroused due to the oil crises in the 1970s are no longer limited to the s..
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2024.03.26 조회수 7,065
Global Perspectives on ESG and Implications for Korea
ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, has gained significant importance in recent years. Adoption of Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals and efforts to recover from COVID-19 have contributed to..
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2023.06.02 조회수 6,694
Accelerating Transitions towards a Circular Economy and Policy Implications for ..
This study analyzes global efforts to transition to a circular economy, and analyzes each country's responses and major issues to the stages of waste generation and management, which decisively distinguish the existing economic sy..
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2022.08.11 조회수 4,551
Recent Movements of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Implications
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed the “Clean Power Plan”, under President Obamas Climate Action Plan, to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from power plants by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. ..
Jin-Young Moon and Sunghee Lee 작성일 2014.10.31 조회수 7,334
Comparative Analysis and Implications of Developing Country Risk
The share of emerging markets and developing countries in the global economy is growing and the status of G20 in the international society is also being strengthened. Considering the trend, the economic and political rising of dev..
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2014.02.28 조회수 4,646
Warsaw COP19 Outcomes and Implications of Climate Finance
□ The 19th Conference of Parties and 9th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP19/CMP9) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place fro..
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2014.02.14 조회수 5,553
Air Pollution in Emerging Economies and Its Implications
1. Air Pollution in China and Impacts 2. Air Pollution in Emerging Economies 3. Implications for Korea
Jin-Young Moon 외 작성일 2013.04.22 조회수 5,398
Trends and Implications in Recent Oil and Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide: Foc..
1. Trends in the Oil Demand and Supplies Worldwide 2. Trends in the Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide 3. Implications for Korea A. Securing Stable Energy Supply from Diverse SourcesB. Implementing Energy-Efficient Policies and ..
Jin-young Moon 외 작성일 2013.01.28 조회수 5,636

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