APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Yun-ok Kim
Cases of Creative Economy Promotion and Their Implications
With the concept of “creative economy” emerging as a new paradigm of economic growth in Korea, the frequency of debates over related topics are being held, including the meaning and aims of the concept, as well as policy measure..
Jeong-gon Kim 외 작성일 2013.08.14 조회수 4,506
Trends and Implications in Recent Oil and Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide: Foc..
1. Trends in the Oil Demand and Supplies Worldwide 2. Trends in the Gas Demand and Supplies Worldwide 3. Implications for Korea A. Securing Stable Energy Supply from Diverse SourcesB. Implementing Energy-Efficient Policies and ..
Jin-young Moon 외 작성일 2013.01.28 조회수 5,636

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