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중장기통상전략연구 한반도 통일이 미국에 미칠 편익비용 분석 경제관계, 북한경제

저자 마커스 놀랜드 발간번호 14-01 자료언어 Korean/English 발간일 2014.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:1,353) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

북한은 미국에 여행 및 관광 서비스를 제공하게 될 것이다. 미국기업들 역시 북한에 투자할 것이나 점진적인 합의통일이 이루어지는 경우 북한 내부의 노동 문제가 투자제약 요인이 될 수 있다.
이와 마찬가지로 북미 간 경제교류는 미 국회 법 제정 또는 행정부 법령의 형태로 존재하는 경제제재 등 다양한 정책적 제약을 받고 있다. 점진적인 합의통일 시나리오에서는 이러한 제재가 북미 간 경제통합을 저해할 것이다. 남북한 관계가 개선된다 하더라도 미국 대통령이나 국회가 이에 상응하는 조치를 취하리라는 보장은 없다. 오히려 북한이 붕괴 이후 한국에 흡수되어 사라지게 되면 이러한 제재도 전부 또는 대부분 자연히 사라질 것이며 북미 무역은 한미 양국간의 비교적 자유로운 법규와 관례를 따를 것이다. 이 시나리오하에서는 양국간 무역규모를 5천만 달러 정도 증가시킴으로써 약간의 평화배당금이 발생할 수 있다.
한편 두 시나리오 모두 상황이 허락된다면 한미 FTA의 부록 22-B에 의해 창설된 공동위원회를 이용해 무역자유화를 신속하게 도모할 수 있을 것이다. 통일 시나리오 및 협정 순서에 따라 북한의 환태평양 경제동반자 협정(TPP: Trans-Pacific Partnership) 가입이 순조로울 수도 있고, 문제가 될 수도 있다.
통일에는 상당한 비용이 수반될 것이며, 미국정부는 양자관계에서, 그리고 국제금융기구를 통하여 일정한 역할을 수행할 것이다. 그러나 미국정부의 직접적인 기여는 미 정부의 재정상황에 좌우될 수 있다. 미국의 공적기관뿐만 아니라 민간 부문도 한반도 통일비용을 부담하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다. 즉 한국 통일에 대한 미국의 경제적 기여는 민간 부문을 통해 이뤄질 가능성이 크다. 외국인직접투자는 북한에 기술을 이전하고 글로벌 네트워크를 통한 마케팅과 유통망을 제공하는 제도적 메커니즘을 구축해줄 것이다. 이에 따라 미국정부의 공공원조는 이러한 민간 부문의 흐름을 보충하고 지원하는 것이지, 그것을 대체하지는 못할 것이다.

The United States has a strong economic and political interest in seeing the Korea unified as a democratic capitalist state. The specifics of US interests and involvement in unification are partly contingent on scenario: excluding the horrific possibility of war, the main two scenarios come down to a protracted, consensual process in which North Korea maintains sovereignty for a significant transitional period and an abrupt collapse and absorption scenario along the lines of the German experience. In contrast to the fundamentally benign German experience, one variant on the collapse and absorption scenario could involve an extended period of violent political opposition to South Korean rulefollowing state collapse. This might involve a quarantine, or resemble the situation that has developed between Israel and Palestine, and would impede economic revitalization and dampen the benefits documented in this paper.
Which of these two basic scenarios―prolonged consensual unification or abrupt collapse and absorption― prevails revolves around whether North Korea successfully addresses its economic, political, and diplomatic challenges and survives permanently as an independent political entity, or whether the multiple stresses that the regime confronts prove unmanageable and it experiences abrupt change, culminating in its absorption by South Korea. Ultimately the key determinant is the capacities of the North Korean leadership. While the rest of the world can influence incentives at the margin, we should not exaggerate how much influence we have on these internal developments.From the standpoint of US policy the distinction between these alternative scenarios is critical, however. 
This paper begins by reviewing some general equilibrium model (CGE) results for Korean unification which are used to benchmark the magnitude of the “unification shock.” This work is complemented by gravity modeling of bilateral merchandise trade. The modeling work presented in this paper indicates that the thoroughness and rapidity of economic reform in the North matters noticeably in the calculation of the economic impacts on the US. The more traumatic collapse scenario followed by successful rehabilitation of the economy in the northern part of the peninsula generates a larger impact on the US. In such a scenario, conservatively estimated, US merchandise trade with North Korea might expand from virtually nothing to approximately $1 billion, with a possible additional $300-425 million in services trade.  The actual expansion of two-way trade could be much higher: if North Korea simply exhibited the same propensity to trade with the US as does South Korea, a decade after unification bilateral trade could be as high as $20 billion.
The goods trade would likely consist mainly of North Korean exports of light manufactures in return for American capital goods and agricultural products. Other products of North Korea such as metals used in the electronics industry would be imported by the assembly operations of US firms outside the US, and might be considered “indirect” exports to the US. The US would export business and professional services to North Korea and import travel and tourism services.  US firms would also invest in North Korea, but under a protracted, consensual unification scenario, labor standards issues could pose a constraint.
Similarly, US economic interaction with North Korea is constrained by a dense web of sanctions and other measures, some in the form of Congressional legislation, others in the form of Executive orders that discourage economic integration between the two countries. In a consensual unification scenario, these sanctions will impede economic integration between the US and North Korea. There is no guarantee that either the President or the Congress will act even if relations improve between North and South Korea.  The removal of these constraints would actually be easier in a collapse and absorption scenario in which the North Korean state would disappear, rendering most if not all of these measures moot, and economic exchange would occur on the basis of the relatively liberal set of rules and practices observed between South Korea and the US. A modest peace dividend, perhaps boosting bilateral trade by $50 million, could obtain under this scenario.
Under either scenario, the binational commission created in Annex 22-B of the KORUS agreement could be used to rapidly liberalize trade if circumstances warranted. Depending on scenario and sequencing treatment of the northern part of the peninsula under agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could be either relatively straightforward or problematic.
Unification is likely to be very expensive. There is a role for the US public to play both bilaterally and through the international financial institutions (IFIs). The capacity of the US government to contribute directly will be partly a function of its own fiscal situation which is highly uncertain. But contributions to unification finance should not be thought of strictly as a public sector activity. The private sector will have a critical role to play as well. Indeed, the ultimate economic contribution of the US to Korean unification is likely to come through the private sector; foreign direct investment constitutes the institutional mechanism for both technology transfer and the links to marketing and distribution networks globally that North Korea currently lacks. Aid should seek to complement and encourage such private flows,not provide a substitute for them.


I. 서론 
Ⅱ. 통합의 단계 또는 정도
Ⅲ. 통일에 대한 일반균형모형 측정 
1. 국제무역에 대한 제약  
2. 기술 변화 
3. 노후화 충격 
4. 군 해산 
5. 통합 시나리오
Ⅳ. 중력모델을 통해 본 미국에 대한 시사점
Ⅴ. 정책 이슈 
1. 미국의 대북 경제외교: 무역 측면 
2. 미국의 대북 경제외교: 재정 측면 
3. 대안적 통일 시나리오에 따른 미국 정책
4. 평화배당금
5. 통일에 대한 미국의 재정지원

Ⅵ. 결론


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 158
판매가격 7000 원

구매하기 목록

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