저자 김흥종 발간번호 12-03 자료언어 English 발간일 2012.12.31
2011년 4월 28~29일에 오스트리아 비엔나에서 개최되었던 국제세미나 “Korea and East Asia in a Changing Regional and Global Environment”의 결과물로서, 경제, 안보, 개발/ODA의 세 부분으로 구분하여 다루고 있습니다.
This book is the outcome of the international conference “Korea and East Asia in a Changing Regional and Global Environment” held in Vienna, 28-29 April 2011. It covers three areas: changes in economic, security and development/ODA.
Chapter 1. Korea and East Asia in a Changing Economic Environment
1. Asia’s Strategic Participation in the Group of 20 for Global Economic Governance Reform: From the Perspective of International Trade / Taeho Bark and Moonsung Kang
2. The Role of Korea and East Asia under the Changing Trade Environment / Yoocheul Song
3. Financial Regionalism in East Asia and its Efficacy as Financial Safety Nets / Young-Joon Park
Chapter 2. Korea and East Asia in a Changing Security Environment
4. Global Responsibility and the Future of Security: America and Europe / Heinz Gärtner
5. North Korean Foreign Policy and its Domestic Connection: A Quantitative Analysis (1997-2010) / Rudiger Frank
6. Korea’s Evolving Strategic Thought Toward East Asia / Sung-Han Kim
Chapter 3. Regional and Global Development Issues and the Role of Korea
7. Transnational Consumer Activism in International Development Cooperation / Baran Han
8. Current Status and Directions of Korean ODA / Insoo Kang
9. Korea’s ODA Policy Towards CLMIV: Trends and Prospects / Sung-Hoon Park and Jung-Ho Kim
분량/크기 | 228 |
판매가격 | 10000 원 |
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