ODA 정책연구
Assessing Vietnam’s Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals: A Comprehensive Review
경제발전, 경제성장
저자 Nguyen Hong Thu, Phi Vinh Tuong, Dong Van Chung, Hoang Thi Hong Minh, Nguyen Thi Hien, and Nguyen Tr 발간번호 23-02 자료언어 English 발간일 2023.12.29
To provide meaningful policy recommendations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) according to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the report “Assessing Vietnam’s Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals: A Comprehensive Review” provides an overview of Vietnam’s progress in implementing the SDGs. Accordingly, the report reviewed and analyzed legal documents, collected reports and statistical data related to the SDGs to review the process of integrating SDGs into socio-economic development strategies and plans of ministries, branches, and localities in Vietnam. The report also identifies factors affecting the effectiveness of SDGs implementation to point out Vietnam’s difficulties, challenges and opportunities in the process of implementing SDGs at the provincial level. To have a more comprehensive, multi-dimensional view when evaluating the progress of implementing the SDGs, the report chooses Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos for case studies to compare the progress of national SDGs implementation in the ASEAN region compared to Vietnam.
The report uses a flexible approach, including both qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods.The report clarifies difficulties, challenges and opportunities, as well as draws valuable lessons on implementing the SDGs for Vietnam. The report also provides insights into the nationalization of the SDGs, attracting and allocating financial resources, monitoring and evaluation, international coordination and cooperation, raising awareness about the benefits of sustainable development and encourage stakeholders to participate in implementing the SDGs in Vietnam. Thereby, the report proposes recommendations for Vietnam, as well as offers implications for Korea.
The report uses a flexible approach, including both qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods.The report clarifies difficulties, challenges and opportunities, as well as draws valuable lessons on implementing the SDGs for Vietnam. The report also provides insights into the nationalization of the SDGs, attracting and allocating financial resources, monitoring and evaluation, international coordination and cooperation, raising awareness about the benefits of sustainable development and encourage stakeholders to participate in implementing the SDGs in Vietnam. Thereby, the report proposes recommendations for Vietnam, as well as offers implications for Korea.
Executive Summary
Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Purpose of Research
2. Literature Review
3. Research Content
4. Methodology
5. Limitations
Chapter Ⅱ. Socio-Economic Development and Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
1. Overview of the Socio-Economic Development Process in Vietnam
2. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
3. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 2
Chapter Ⅲ. Assessing the Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam and the Factors Affecting the Progress of SDGs Implementation at the Provincial Level
1. Assessing the Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
2. Factors Affecting the Progress of SDGs Implementation at the Provincial Level in Vietnam
3. The Context, Difficulties, and Challenges for Implementing SDGs in Vietnam
4. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 3
Chapter Ⅳ. Progress of SDGs Implementation of Some Countries in Southeast Asia
1. The Progress of the SDGs Implementation in Southeast Asia
2. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Indonesia
3. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Lao PDR
4. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Myanmar
5. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 4
Chapter Ⅴ. Lessons Learned, Recommendation for Vietnam and Implications for Korea
1. Lessons Learned for Vietnam
2. Recommendation for Vietnam
3. Implications for Korea
4. Conclusion
Executive Summary
Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Purpose of Research
2. Literature Review
3. Research Content
4. Methodology
5. Limitations
Chapter Ⅱ. Socio-Economic Development and Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
1. Overview of the Socio-Economic Development Process in Vietnam
2. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
3. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 2
Chapter Ⅲ. Assessing the Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam and the Factors Affecting the Progress of SDGs Implementation at the Provincial Level
1. Assessing the Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
2. Factors Affecting the Progress of SDGs Implementation at the Provincial Level in Vietnam
3. The Context, Difficulties, and Challenges for Implementing SDGs in Vietnam
4. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 3
Chapter Ⅳ. Progress of SDGs Implementation of Some Countries in Southeast Asia
1. The Progress of the SDGs Implementation in Southeast Asia
2. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Indonesia
3. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Lao PDR
4. The Progress of SDGs Implementation in Myanmar
5. Sub-Conclusion of Chapter 4
Chapter Ⅴ. Lessons Learned, Recommendation for Vietnam and Implications for Korea
1. Lessons Learned for Vietnam
2. Recommendation for Vietnam
3. Implications for Korea
4. Conclusion
분량/크기 | 263 |
판매가격 | 10,000 원 |
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