Working Papers World Economy Brief
APEC Study Series
저자 서정민 발간번호 24-01 자료언어 English 발간일 2024.10.02
I. Introduction
II. Background and Methodology
2.1. Historical Context and Evolution of APEC Ministerial Meetings
2.2. Data Sources and Analytical Methods
III. Changes in Sectoral Composition
3.1. Sectoral Ministerial Meeting Frequency and Trends
3.2. Evolution and Trends in High-level Meetings
3.3. Analysis of Meeting Outcomes and Depth
IV. Thematic Changes in Major Ministerial Meetings
4.1. Evolution of Themes in Annual Ministerial Meetings
4.2. Thematic Shifts in Major Sectoral Meetings
4.3. Changes in Thematic Consistency Over Time
4.4. Interrelationships and Thematic Integration Across Meetings
V. Conclusions
Appendix 1. List of Venues for APEC Annual Ministerial Meetings
2. Sector Abbreviations and Full Names
3. Top-terms in Joint Statements by Major Ministerial Meetings
4. Dendrogram of Document Similarity (1994~2023)
분량/크기 | 65 |
판매가격 | 3,000 원 |
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