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[KIEP Newsletter Vol.9 No.10] Korea as an OECD DAC Member/ One Country Two Systems in China/ China’s 14th Five-Year Plan

  • 작성일2021/05/17
  • 조회수4,479


Vol.9 · NO.10 · 2021.05.14



Korea as an OECD DAC Member:
10-Year Achievements and Way Forward


Jione Jung and Aila Yoo / World Economy Brief 21-11

A decade has passed since Korea joined the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) as its 24th member in 2010. The total volume of Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) is approximately 2.2 billion USD, and has doubled over the past decade...


Twenty Years of One Country Two Systems in China: Evaluation and Future Prospects


Jaichul Heo / World Economy Brief 21-20

his study evaluated China's model of “One Country, Two Systems” (一國兩制) 20 years into operation and the bilateral relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China ‒ focusing on Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan ‒ and examined future prospects...




Prudent but Ambitious: Messages of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan / MOON Ji Young


The 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) was approved at the Two Sessions 2021 held in Beijing, China. The 14th FYP holds special meaning when com-pared to previous FYPs. It marks the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party and its first year of pursuing the second centenary goal, “building a modern socialist country”, after completing the first centenary goal of “achieving moderate prosperity”...



(ENG sub) Innovation still possible in the market,
together with Big Tech firms like FAANG?




Call for Papers for East Asian Economic Review




KIEP Holds 1H 2021 Press Conference to Announce
2021 World Economic Outlook


KIEP held its regular press conference for the first half of 2021, on May 11, during which KIEP announced its outlook for the global economy in 2021. President Heungchong Kim of KIEP stated in his opening remarks that the global economy is expected to grow by 5.9% in 2021 and 4.3% in 2022, citing “the spread of disproportionate recovery and discriminatory policy pathways” as an important keyword for the world economy this year....


Seminar on “Europe’s Response to COVID-19”


KIEP held a seminar under the theme of “Europe’s Response to COVID-19: Global Governance on Prevention of Pandemic and Vaccination” on Thursday, April 22, 2021. This seminar examined why European countries, traditionally considered as “developed countries," have seemingly struggled with their COVID-19 response, and looked into the unique systems and various political and social contexts in Europe...





Visiting Scholars Program for 2022


KIEP invites prominent researchers and academics to join its Visiting Scholars Program. Launched in 2009, the program aims to promote cross-border exchanges of knowledge, information, insights, and expertise among scholars from different backgrounds. If you are interested in applying to the program for 2022, please send us your application by May 31, 2021. Kindly find further information on eligible fields, qualifications, responsibilities and benefits, etc. on our website.

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