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Proceedings Two years since German Unification

저자 배진영 발간번호 93-01 자료언어 English 발간일 1993.02.01

원문보기(다운로드:820) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

대외경제정책연구원(KIEP)은 독일 프리드리히 에베르트 재단과 공동으로 1992년 10월 1-2일 독일 통일 이후 2년: 경제적 평가와 한국에 대한 시사점에 관한 국제 세미나를 개최했다. 독일 통일은 한국에게 중요한 시사점과 가능성을 제공해 준다. 그러나 통일 후 2년 동안 독일은 예상보다 극심한 어려움과 고민을 겪었으며, 이는 양국의 서로 다른 정치 및 경제 체제의 통합과 관련된 어려움이 있음을 보여준다.
결과적으로 통일 독일의 경험으로부터, 한국은 지금부터 통일을 대비하기 위해 지혜와 에너지를 모으는데 주력해야 함을 시사하고 있다.
The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) co-hosted the international seminar with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) on 'Two Year Since the German Unification: Economic Evaluation and Implications for Korea', on October 1-2, 1992.

German unification has provided Korea with a number of important implications. Studies on Germany's unification are of greater importance. German unification suggests the possibility of a united Korea. However, the two-year experience of unified Germany also suggests that the unification process can be accompanied by severe suffering and anguish, more than ever expected. The aftermath of Germany's unification demonstrates a difficulty associated with the combining of two different nations with different political, economic and social system.Consequently, from the lessons learned from the German experience, it has now become apparent that South Korea should immediately expend its efforts to gather the wisdom and energy of its people.
I. Alternatives and Consequences for Intergration of Two Economic Systems
- System Transformation and System Integration in Eastern Germany and Eastern
Europe: Some Lessons
- Speed and Timing of Economic Integration: Unification Cost Approach

II. Economic Integration and Adjustment of Industrial Structure
- The Treuhandanstalt: Attempt at a provisional
- Diffenrence in Industiral Structure of Two Koreas and Prospects for Economic

III. Economic Integration and Employment Policy
- East-German Labor Markets: Problems, Prospects and Policy
- Labor Market Consequences of German Unification and Its Implications to Korea



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