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Proceedings Emerging Financial Risks in East Asia 금융위기, 금융정책

저자 양두용 편 발간번호 06-04 자료언어 English 발간일 2006.12.29

원문보기(다운로드:838) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

1. 최근 자본이동과 동아시아의 신흥위험

□ Session 1에서는 최근 동아시아의 자본이동 추이를 개관하고 동아시아 지역에서의 자본이탈 가능 위험을 식 별 평가하였음.

- 동아시아 국가는 경상수지 흑자에 따라 외환보유고가 지속적으로 증가되고, 동 자산을 선진금융시장의 안전자산에 재투자하고 있음. 반면 동아시아 지역에서의 선진국의 투자는 위험자산에 집중되어 있어 충분한 외환보유고를 갖고 있음에도 불구하고 동아시아 국가들은 자본이동의 잠재적인 위험 요인 존재

- 특히 미국의 지속적인 경상수지 적자는 글로벌 불균형의 위험을 증폭시키고 있고 이를 달러화 약세 혹은 동아시아 통화 강세를 통해서 조정할 때 국제금융시장의 위험은 더욱 커질 것임. (생략)
The economic consequences from the Asian crisis have been enormous. East Asia had experienced unprecedented economic slowdown, causing a sharp decline in living standards, rising unemployment, industrial breakdown, and social dislocation. Once we had realized the huge negative impacts from the system crisis in the region, there have been tremendous efforts on preventing future crisis since 1997, including structural reforms for each country and regional monetary and financial architecture in the regional level. Even though all these efforts contributed to economic recovery, no one is convinced that the current economic conditions are good enough to induce stable long-term growth. Financial risks in East Asia are emerging. (The rest is omitted.)
List of Participants

Theme 1: Current Capital Flows and Related Risks in East Asia

1. Determinants of Korea's capital outflows
2. Capital inflow under the fear of sudden stop

Theme 2: China's New Exchange Rates Regimes and its Implication to East Asia

3. Global Imbalances and East Asia's Policy Adjustments
4. China's Reforms on Exchange Rate System and International Trade between Japan and China
5. What do We Know about China's Exchange Rate Regime Reform?

Theme 3: Too Much or Too Less: How to stimulate private sectors in East Asia

6. Domestic Investment and Regional imbalances in East Asia
7. Small Business Finance and Its Relation to the Development of Regional Bond Market: Macroeconomic Perspective


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 192
판매가격 7000 원

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