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Working paper New Evidence on High Interest Rate Policy During the Korean Crisis 금융위기, 금융정책

저자 김세직, 정재식 발간번호 02-03 자료언어 English 발간일 2002.03.25

원문보기(다운로드:793) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

본 논문은 한국 외환금융위기 중 IMF의 권고에 의해 실시된 고이자율정책이 환율안정에 효과적으로 기여했는지를 비선형 충격반응함수를 통해 분석한다. 추정된 모형에서의 충격반응분석을 통해, 본 논문은 고이자율정책이 처음에는 아주 짧은 기간 동안 약간의 평가절하를 가져오지만, 그 이후로 오랜기간에 걸쳐 상당한 수준의 평가절상을 가져옴을 밝히고 있다. 이에 반해 저이자율정책은 오랜기간에 걸친 평가절상을 가져오는데 별로 효과가 없음을 보이고 있다. (생략)
The paper evaluates the effectiveness of the high interest rate policy in stabilizing the exchange rate during the Korean crisis, based on a nonlinear impulse response function approach. By tracing impulse responses within an estimated model, we find that high interest rates induce depreciation for a very short period (five days), followed by a substantial appreciation for an extensive period (more than three months). In contrast, a low interest rate policy would appreciate the exchange rate only for a very short period but have little impact afterwards, indicating an asymmetry in the exchange rate response to an interest rate shock. The impulse function analysis also suggests that a cutback of interest rates to the pre-crisis level does not cause serious depreciation. Our findings suggest that the IMF's interest rate policy in Korea, which was characterized by a sharp increase in interest rates at the onset of the crisis followed by a cutback after several months, contributed to the stabilization of the exchange rate.
Executive Summary

I. Introduction

II. Empirical Methodology
1. SNP Estimation of the Conditional Density
2. Impulse Response Analysis of Nonlinear Models

III. Data

IV. Main Empirical Results

V. Evaluation of the IMF's High Interest Rate Policy

VI. Conclusion



분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 43
판매가격 2000 원

구매하기 목록

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