Reforming the International Financial Architecture
저자 왕윤종, 사공일(세계경제연구원/이사장) 발간번호 00-04 자료언어 English 발간일 2000.12.30
1997년에 처음으로 시작된 최근 아시아 금융위기는 현존하는 국제금융 체제의 타당성에 심각한 문제를 제기했으며, 그것이 어떻게 변경되거나 재조정될지에 대한 논의의 촉진제가 되었다. 이러한 문제에 관한 여러 보고서와 정책적 권고가 이미 주창된 바 있다. 그러나 이들 보고서나 정책적 권고는 비록 신흥시장이 대부분 세계 금융체제의 체제적 위험에 주로 취약하다 하더라도 신흥시장의 의견이 충분히 간주되지 않았거나, 그들이 염려가 충분히 반영되지 않았기 때문에 종종 비판 받아왔다.
이러한 점에서, 대외경제정책연구원과 세계경제연구소가 공동으로 그룹회원들과 국제전문가들이 이들 중대 이슈를 토론하는데 전력을 기울이기 위해 국제회의를 개최했다.
이러한 점에서, 대외경제정책연구원과 세계경제연구소가 공동으로 그룹회원들과 국제전문가들이 이들 중대 이슈를 토론하는데 전력을 기울이기 위해 국제회의를 개최했다.
The recent Asian financial crisis which first began in 1997 has raised a critical question on the adequacy of the existing international financial architecture and provided an impetus for discussion on how it can be modified or redesigned.
There have already been many reports and policy recommendations put forward regarding this issue. However, these reports and policy recommendations are frequently criticized because emerging market views are not fully recognized and their concerns are not fully reflected, although emerging markets are most vulnerable to the systemic risks of the global financial system.
For this purpose, an international conference was organized by the Institute for Global Economics and the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy to concentrate on discussing these critical issues among Group members and international experts.
There have already been many reports and policy recommendations put forward regarding this issue. However, these reports and policy recommendations are frequently criticized because emerging market views are not fully recognized and their concerns are not fully reflected, although emerging markets are most vulnerable to the systemic risks of the global financial system.
For this purpose, an international conference was organized by the Institute for Global Economics and the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy to concentrate on discussing these critical issues among Group members and international experts.
Il SaKong and Yunjong Wang
Keynote Speech
Jin Nyum
C. Fred Bergsten
Part I
Discussions on New International Financial Architecture
1. The International Financial Architecture: Issues and Propositions
Stephany Griffith-Jones
Comment: Robert A. Blecker
Pakorn Vichyanond
Part II
Capital Account Liberalization and Its Critique
2. Seeking for Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime
Yunjong Wang and Doo Yong Yang
Comment: Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Pakorn Vichyanond
3. Managing Stable Capital Flows: Capital Controls and Sequencing of Capital
Account liberalization
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Comment: Won-Am Park
Gordon de Brouwer
4. Regulatory Challenges: Restrictions on Highly Leveraged Institutions
Gordon de Brouwer
Comment: Stephany Griffith-Jones
Doo Yong Yang
Part III
Building Infrastructure for New International Financial Architecture
5. International Standards and Regulations
Tan Khee Giap
Comment: Stephany Griffith-Jones
Yunjong Wang
6. Reforms on International Financial Institutions
Robert A. Blecker
Comment: Kwang-Woo Jun
Part IV
Private Sector Involvement and Social Policies
7. Private Sector Involvement and Burden Sharing
Won Am Park
Comment: Khee Gian Tan
Jang-Yung Lee
8. Social Policies for Poor Countries
Charles C. Soludo
List of Conference Participants
Il SaKong and Yunjong Wang
Keynote Speech
Jin Nyum
C. Fred Bergsten
Part I
Discussions on New International Financial Architecture
1. The International Financial Architecture: Issues and Propositions
Stephany Griffith-Jones
Comment: Robert A. Blecker
Pakorn Vichyanond
Part II
Capital Account Liberalization and Its Critique
2. Seeking for Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime
Yunjong Wang and Doo Yong Yang
Comment: Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Pakorn Vichyanond
3. Managing Stable Capital Flows: Capital Controls and Sequencing of Capital
Account liberalization
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Comment: Won-Am Park
Gordon de Brouwer
4. Regulatory Challenges: Restrictions on Highly Leveraged Institutions
Gordon de Brouwer
Comment: Stephany Griffith-Jones
Doo Yong Yang
Part III
Building Infrastructure for New International Financial Architecture
5. International Standards and Regulations
Tan Khee Giap
Comment: Stephany Griffith-Jones
Yunjong Wang
6. Reforms on International Financial Institutions
Robert A. Blecker
Comment: Kwang-Woo Jun
Part IV
Private Sector Involvement and Social Policies
7. Private Sector Involvement and Burden Sharing
Won Am Park
Comment: Khee Gian Tan
Jang-Yung Lee
8. Social Policies for Poor Countries
Charles C. Soludo
List of Conference Participants
분량/크기 | 317 |
판매가격 | 12000 원 |

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