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단행본 2014 Annual Report 경쟁정책, 경제발전

저자 KIEP 자료언어 English 발간일 2015.09.24

원문보기(다운로드:2,657) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

The 2014 annual report is a compilation of our in-depth studies and reports to give readers clear information on what we have done over the year. KIEP’s research spans a broad range of economic issues - i.e. the Korean economy and its increasing relevance to the global economy; new global challenges, such as climate change,
development aid, and global commons; economic integration in East Asia and in Asia-Pacific; Korean economic paradigm and income disparity; and country comparison of issues, such as employment and population aging.
KIEP’s work will gain importance as a reliable source of information and analysis in shaping public policies. KIEP remains committed to supporting the government in its economic policy development. On behalf of KIEP, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all for the support and keen interest in our work
The 2014 annual report is a compilation of our in-depth studies and reports to give readers clear information on what we have done over the year. KIEP’s research spans a broad range of economic issues - i.e. the Korean economy and its increasing relevance to the global economy; new global challenges, such as climate change,
development aid, and global commons; economic integration in East Asia and in Asia-Pacific; Korean economic paradigm and income disparity; and country comparison of issues, such as employment and population aging.
KIEP’s work will gain importance as a reliable source of information and analysis in shaping public policies. KIEP remains committed to supporting the government in its economic policy development. On behalf of KIEP, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all for the support and keen interest in our work.

About KIEP
President’s Message
About KIEP
Vision & Mission
KIEP 2014


KIEP in Policy
KIEP in the Media
KIEP in the World


Highlight 2014
Projects Noted for Excellence in Policy Contribution for 2014


Bright 2014
Research Goals in 2014
Project Composition & Performance for 2014
Research Achievements by Category for 2014
International Macroeconomics & Finance
International Trade
International Cooperation Policies
Asia-Pacific Studies
Europe, Americas and Eurasia Studies


Flight 2015
2015 Research Goals
The Way Forward in 2015


Settlement of Accounts for 2014
Statement of Revenues,Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 150

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