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Proceedings Europe-East Asia Economic Relations : Current Status and Prospects

저자 김박수 발간번호 97-05 자료언어 English 발간일 1997.12.30

원문보기(다운로드:646) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

1980년대까지 유럽과 동아시아 관계는 동아시아와 북아메리카 관계에 의해 가리워졌다. 그러나 1990년대에 접어들어 유럽-동아시아 간의 상호작용은 상당히 가속화했다. 결과적으로 두 지역 간에 교역량이 유럽과 북아메리카의 것을 능가하게 되었으며, 두 지역 간의 투자규모 역시 점진적으로 증가하였다. 이러한 배경에서 아시아유럽정상회의(ASEM)는 유럽과 동아시아 경제 관계를 더욱 밀접하고 협력적으로 하는데 상당한 성과를 가져올 시작이 될 것으로 보여진다.

본 보고서는 대외경제정책연구원(KIEP)와 독일 프리드리히 에베르트 재단이 공동 주최로 1997년 10월 30-31 이틀간 서울에서 열린 "유럽-동아시아 경제 관계"에 관한 원고 및 논평 모음집이다. 한국 금융위기가 맞이하는 시점에 열린 본 세미나는 두 지역 간의 밀접한 교역 및 투자를 위한 기회 제공에 초점을 맞춰 장기적 전망의 유럽-동아시아 경제관계를 살펴보았다.
Until the 1980s, Europe-East Asia relations were eclipsed by those between East Asia and North America. However, Europe-East Asia interaction has greatly accelerated in the 1990s. As a result, the volume of trade between the two regions has come to surpass that of Europe and North America. The volume of investment between the two regions has also increased gradually. Against this background, the launching and development of ASEM signifies the beginning of serious efforts to promote closer and cooperative economic relations between Europe and East Asia.

This book is a compilation of the papers and comments from the Seminar on Europe-East Asia Economic Relations held in Seoul on October 30-31, 1997, organized by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) in collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) of Germany. Held right at the onset of the Korean financial crisis, this seminar reviewed Europe-East Asia economic relations in a long term perspective, focusing on opportunities for closer trade and investment between the two regions.
Foreword, Soogil Young

I. Introduction and Overview, Baksoo Kim

II. Europe-East Asia Trade Relations
1. Europe-East Asia Trade Relations: an East Asian, Perspective,Sang Kyum Kim
2. Trade Relations between Europe and East Asia:A Europen PerspectivePeter
Nunnenkamp, Comments
: Taeho Bark,Diana Brand,Inhun Choe, Honggue LeeJean-Marc Colombani

Ⅲ. Europe-East Asia Investment Relations: European Perspective
1. Investment Relations between Europe and East Asia
: A European PerspectiveDiana Brand, Comments :Sunghoon Park, Chongkeun Won

IV. Europe-East Asia Investment Relations: East Asian Perspectives
1. Europe-Japan Investment Relations, Shujiro Urata Comments:
PeterNunnenkampYunjong Wang
2. Europe-Korea Investment Relations, Inkyo Cheong
3. Europe-Taiwan Investment Relations: How Europen FDI Firms Differ from
American or Japanese? ,
Ray B. DawnComments: Alain Bellissard, Kim Younghan
4. Europe-ASEAN Investment Relations, Kim Ong Giger
5. Europe-China Investment Relations, Wen Hai Comments: InSoo Kang, IckSoo Kim

V. Europe-East Asia Economic Relations: Policy Challenges , General Discussions
1. German Perspective, Florian Schuffner
2. Japanese Perspective, Shujiro Urata
3. Korean Perspective, Jong-Nam Oh
4. French Perspective, Jean-Louis Latour
5 British Perspective ,Colin Crooks
6 Taiwanese Perspective,Ray B. Dawn
7 ASEAN's PerspectiveSiow Yue Chia and Kim Ong-Giger
8 Chinese Perspective,Wen Hai
9 EU's Perspective, Jean-Marc Colombani


Luncheon Speech, Korea-Europe Economic Relations: Issues and ProspectsTae Sik

Dinner SpeechAsia and Europe: Towards a Common Prosperity in the 21st
CenturyCae-One Kim


List of participants


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 348
판매가격 15000 원

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