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단행본 2013 Annual Report 경제발전, 경제전망

저자 KIEP 자료언어 English 발간일 2014.10.27

원문보기(다운로드:1,156) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

The 2013 annual report is a compilation of our in-depth studies and reports to give readers clear information on what we have done over the year. KIEP’s research spans a broad range of economic issues - i.e. the Korean economy and its increasing relevance to the global economy; new global challenges, such as climate change,
development aid, and global commons; economic integration in East Asia and in Asia-Pacific; Korean economic paradigm and income disparity; and country comparison of issues, such as employment and population aging.
KIEP’s work will gain importance as a reliable source of information and analysis in shaping public policies. KIEP remains committed to supporting the government in its economic policy development. On behalf of KIEP, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all for the support and keen interest in our work.

The 2013 annual report is a compilation of our in-depth studies and reports to give readers clear information on what we have done over the year. KIEP’s research spans a broad range of economic issues - i.e. the Korean economy and its increasing relevance to the global economy; new global challenges, such as climate change,
development aid, and global commons; economic integration in East Asia and in Asia-Pacific; Korean economic paradigm and income disparity; and country comparison of issues, such as employment and population aging.
KIEP’s work will gain importance as a reliable source of information and analysis in shaping public policies. KIEP remains committed to supporting the government in its economic policy development. On behalf of KIEP, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all for the support and keen interest in our work.


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분량/크기 78

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