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[KIEP Newsletter Vol.10 No.11] Analysis of U.S. International Economic Policies and its Implications / Immigrants and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions / K-shaped Scar of COVID-19 on the Global Economy

  • 작성일2022/05/27
  • 조회수2,305


VOL.10 · NO.11 · 2022.5.27



Analysis of U.S. International Economic Policies and
its Implications


Gu Sang Kang/ World Economy Brief 22-18

This study analyzes and evaluates the impact of foreign economic policies implemented during the Trump administration's four-year tenure, and aims to predict the direction of international economic policies under the Biden administration launched following the 2020 presidential election...

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Immigrants and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions


Young-ook Jang/ World Economy Brief 22-19

This study attempts to examine the impact of the presence of foreign workers on COVID-19 related border closures. In the countries that are highly dependent on foreign workers, there have been difficulties in supplying labor due to entry restrictions and border closure during the COVID-19 pandemic...

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K-shaped Scar of COVID-19 on the Global Economy/
Sang-Ha Yoon


COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated global economic inequality. Two main reasons behind this K-shaped scar are (1) the imbalance in the supply of vaccines among countries and (2) the difference in the ability of governments to financially support the economy...

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[Seminar] 2022 Joint Seminar on Economic Security (6/2)

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[Forum] 2022 Korea International Economic Association
Policy Conference (6/16~17)

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KIEP Holds 1H 2022 Press Conference, Announces World Economic
Outlook Update for 2022 (5/17)

Major Policy Directions of the 14th Five-Year Plan by Region and Korea-China Cooperation

The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held its regular press conference for the first half of 2022, on May 17, with Ministry of Economy and Finance correspondents, at the 3rd-floor briefing room of the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the Sejong Government Complex, during which it announced its outlook for the global economy in 2022.

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KOICA Foreign Scholarship Group Visited KIEP (5/20)

Major Policy Directions of the 14th Five-Year Plan by Region and Korea-China Cooperation

Professor Jin Park of the KDI School of Public Policy and Management and scholars of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) visited the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) on May 20.

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Call for Papers for East Asian Economic Review

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