Policy Analyses APEC Study Series
Working Papers
This paper is organized as follows. Section II explains the characteristics, objectives, activities and obligatory duties as a member country of OECD. Section III introduces Japan's entry to the OECD. Section IV examines the current liberalization in trade, foreign exchange rate, current invisible operations and capital movement liberalization of the Korean economy and analyzes the additional items for the liberalization by comparing OECD rules. Section V investigates a degree of the maturity in the Korean economy and condition precedents for OECD entry, its advantages and disadvantages, and discusses the strategy for OECD entry. Finally, Section VI contains a summary and conclusion.
Ⅰ. 序 論
Ⅱ. OECD 槪要
1. OECD의 性格, 目的 및 加入節次
2. OECD의 主要 組職 및 分野別 委員會의 種類
3. OECD의 主要 活動
4. OECD 加入에 따르는 義務事項
Ⅲ. 日本의 OECD 加入事例
1. 經濟의 OECD 加入 前의 自由化 現況
2. 日本의 OECD 加入時 留保 內容
Ⅳ. 韓國經濟의 自由化 現況
1. 貿易自由化 現況
2. 外換自由化 現況
3. 經常貿易外去來 自由化 現況
4. 資本自由化 現況
5. OECD 自由化規約과의 比較
Ⅴ. 韓國의 OECD 加入與件 分析 및 加入戰略
1. OECD 加入與件 分析
2. OECD 加入의 效果
3. OECD 加入戰略
Ⅵ. 要約 및 結論
參考文獻 및 資料
분량/크기 | 200 |
판매가격 | 5000 원 |
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