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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : World Bank. Global Economic Prospects, June 2018 (No. 26)

  • 작성일2018/06/18
  • 조회수838
주요경제 동향자료
No. 26
2018. 6. 16


주제별 이슈

Competition-Adjusted Measures of Real Exchanges Rates / IADB
Designing QE in a fiscally sound monetary union / ECB
Economic policy uncertainty spillovers in booms and busts / CAMA
Global Market Power and its Macroeconomic Implications / IMF
How do banks and households manage interest rate risk? Evidence from mortgage ... / BoE
International Currencies and Capital Allocation / CEPR
Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Rethinking the Role of Money ... / Levy
Quantifying economic recovery from the recent global financial crisis / MPRA
The Macroeconomics of Border Taxes / NBER
Understanding the blockchain revolution! / DB
미국의 대중 301조 관세부과 시행 공표 및 평가 / 국제금융센터
외국인투자 유출입 현황과 시사점 / 국회입법조사처
Economic Integration and Bilateral FDI stocks: the impacts of NAFTA and the EU / CFM
FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe: declines due to disinvestment / WIIW
Is Trump in a Trade War? An Up-to-Date Guide / PIIE
Miracle or Mirage : What role can trade policies play in tackling global trade .../ OECD
Reforming Non-Tariff Measures : From Evidence to Policy Advice / World Bank
Services Liberalization and GVC Participation : New Evidence for ... / World Bank
WTO Annual Report 2018 / WTO
世界主要国の直接投資統計集 2018年版)国別編 / ITI
대북 경제제재: 어떻게 풀릴 수 있을 것인가? / 동아시아재단
베트남의 개혁 개방이 북한에 주는 시사점 / 현대경제연구원
중국의 개혁 동력과 뉴노멀(新常态) 경제에 대한 연구 / 외교안보연구소
하반기 유로존 경제 전망과 리스크 요인 / 국제금융센터
한반도 정세 변화가 가져올 ‘新북방’ 비즈니스 기회: 러시아 극동을 중심으로 / 포스코경영연구원
Brexit trade impacts and Mercosurs negotiations with Europe / MPRA
Economic Development in Africa Report 2018 / UNCTAD
Economic Policy Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative for CESEE and Austria / WIIW
European and Chinese trade competition in third markets: the case of Latin America / Bruegel
Financial and Fiscal Shocks in the Great Recession and Recovery of the Spanish .../ FEDEA
How Public Investment Could Help Strengthen Iran’s Growth Potential: Issues and Options / IMF
Is migration the better form of development aid? / GDI
Putin in Power until 2024: What Does it Mean? / BESA
Structural change, productivity growth and labour market turbulence in Africa / MERIT
Survey of gravity models of trade and labour, and a proposed trade-employment gravity model for the Philippines / MPRA
Sustainable development goal diagnostics : the case of the Arab Republic of Egypt / World Bank
ASEAN貿易におけるベトナム台頭の含意 / 国際貿易投資研究所
東南アジアのインフラ面の整備及びASEAN首脳構想 / 国際貿易投資研究所
美国贸易制裁清单与中国反制的特点、影响及启示 / IWEP
全球经济与中国经济:新周期还是旧周期? / IWEP


미북 정상회담 평가와 한국의 안보 우려 [ 아산정책연구원 ]
북미 정상회담(6/12) 관련 해외시각 [ 국제금융센터 ]
한미 및 남북 정상회담 평가와 북미 정상회담 대책 [ 세종연구소 ]
Around the halls: Brookings experts react to the Trump-Kim Jong-un summit ...[ Brookings ]
Next Steps on U.S. Policy Toward North Korea [ CSIS ]
The U.S.-North Korea Summit: Some Daunting Obstacles [ Cato Institute ]
US–North Korea Summit Statement Lacks Definition [ Chatham House ]
What is a Big Enough Win on the Korean Peninsula? [ CEIP ]
朝美首脑会谈背后的认知问题 [ 中国国际问题研究所 ]


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 6. 1 ~ 6. 15)
복지국가론/개정 2판 [ 김태성 지음 ]
사회적 시장경제와 독일의 경제정책 [ 손승희 지음 ]
A Comparison of Public Employment Regimes in Germany, France, ... [ Karin Gottschall etc. ]
Dritte Phase Aufbau Ost [ Birgitta Wolff ]
Institutions Matter Differently Depending on The Ownership Types of Firms [ Hyuntai Lee etc. ]
Modernizing China : Investing in Soft Infrastructure [ W. Raphael Lam etc. ]
Public Employment Regimes in OECD Countries [ Karin Gottschall, Bernhard Kittel etc. ]
The Russian Economy and Foreign Direct Investment [ Kari Liuhto, Sergei Sutyrin etc. ]
2018 中国战略性新兴产业发展报告 [ 中国工程科技发展战略研究院 ]
经济新常态, 供给侧改革与产业发展 [ 黃群慧 ]
工业4.0 : 第四次工业革命全景图 [ 尾木藏人著 ]
中国新興企業の正体 [ 沈才彬 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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